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Hello everyone...I am new to this board and would appreciate any advice...I live in Maryland and do alot of fishing in the Chesapeake bay...I am going to try surf fishing in Ocean City Md. this year for the first time.I hear they catch alot of dogfish are they good to eat ???...I also hear they catch alot of sand sharks and hear they are not good to eat...what types of sharks that I will catch in the surf at Ocean city Md. are good to eat ???...THANKS FOR YOUR HELP !!!
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[size 2]Hello Danny,
Welcome to the BFT site. Below is a list of fish that are native to your Maryland Atlantic waters. I listed to the right the ones I know are edible but wasn't sure on all of them. I am sure that some other members will be able to answer some of the ones I didn't know. By the way, you can probably find some decent recipes for these fish in the Recipes board:
Albacore (longfin)- Edible
Atlantic Spadefish
Black Seabass
Dolphin- Edible
Drum, Black
Drum, Red
False Albacore
Flounder- Edible
King Mackerel
Marlin, Blue- Edible
White Marlin- Edible
Shark, Black Tip
Shark, Blue
Shark, Dusky
Shark, Great White
Shark, Hammerhead, Scalloped
Shark, Hammerhead, Smooth
Shark, Mako
Shark, Sand Tiger
Shark, Sandbar
Shark, Dogfish, Smooth- Edible
Shark, Dogfish, Spiny
Shark, Thresher- Edible
Shark, Tiger
Spotted Seatrout- Edible
Striped Bass- Edible
Tuna, Bigeye- Edible
Tuna, Blackfin- Edible
Tuna, Bluefin - Edible
Tuna, Yellowfin- Edible
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[center][cool][/center][center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Bluefish are definetly edible.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
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You could expect to find Dogfish over there as well as some smooth hounds.
Dogfish have been the favorite of the British for many years in the use of their fish and chips.
Be sure to clean the shark well immediately after catching it. They tend to be more delicate as far as spoilage goes.
It is not impossible but highly probable that even Lemon Sharks can and will find their way up the coast as well.[cool]
Please feel free to visit the recipe board as well. We have many recipes there for shark and other fish.[  ]
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Thanks for all of your help...about the dogfish...I have heard that the smooth are good to eat not the spiney...How can I tell the difference from a dogfish or a sandshark etc...any pics ???
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Here is a Shovel Nose Sand Shark
Here is a Spiny Dogfish
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=10950;]](;postatt_id=10950;)
Just about any shark is edible. Some just have a better quality of meat than others.
As far as Dogfish edibility goes, Both are edible but the smooth one just has a better taste to it.
I will generally keep 1 or 2 sharks every year for consumption. All of the rest of them go back into the water so that there is some fun to be had in the future.[cool]
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Thanks again for the info...I have another question...since I have never cleaned a shark or dogfish...any advice or tips on how to do it ...any do's or don'ts
Hi Danny: I am only familiar with West Coast sharks.The Mako and Thresher are really good eating. In fact for a long period restaurants were selling Mako sharks as Broadbill Swordfish. You couldn't tell the difference. Lately the Health Department has cracked down and the retaurants cannot mis-lable for fear of monetary penalties. Mako and Threshers are bluewater off shore sharks and you wouldn't catch them near the beach. But I think they catch lots of them off your coast. The answer to eating any fish is the handling of them when they are caught. Sharks degenerate faster than any fish I know of. They must be immediately placed on ice and never allowed get warm.They're really simple to to prepare. Steak them in half inch pieces. The knife slices easily through their cartilage spine. Marinate the steaks in Italian Dressing and fire them on the Barbecue.Yummy! GVZ
[  ] I haven't ever eaten it that good?
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u can catch threshars a few hundred yards off the beach in kayaks and small boats(if your hardcore) or off piers
use a malibu rig and bonita/mackeral in large pieces with heavy mono(200+pounds) or preferebly heavy wire
u need a big outfit tho..300+ yards of 40 or 50 is minimum
threshers follow the baitfish schools generally
they are MUCH rarer inshore though
but still catchable
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Cleaning them is rather simple once you get the hang of it.
1st Make sure the critter is dead. A freshly caught shark can get very grumpy and cause bodily harm if you try to clean and steak it while it is still alive.
2nd Take a sharp knive, starting from just under the chin, and make an incision all the way down to the anal port.
3rd Thoroughly remove any internal contents and then rinse the entire inside of the carcass.
4th Place gutted shark on ice for at least 1/2 hr prior to getting to the next step.
5th Place the shark on a sturdy surface and begin to slice inbetween the spinal segments and cut all the way through. this will yield the maximum amount of steaks per shark.
6th Follow any of the recipes from our recipe board or any of your own that you may have.[cool]
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Albacore (longfin)- Edible
Atlantic Spadefish
Black Seabass extremely edible
Bluefish edible
Dolphin- Edible
Drum, Black edible
Drum, Red edible
False Albacore edible
Flounder- Edible
King Mackerel edible
Kingfish edible
Porgy edible
Marlin, Blue- Edible
White Marlin- Edible
Shark, Black Tip edible
Shark, Blue
Shark, Dusky
Shark, Great White
Shark, Hammerhead, Scalloped
Shark, Hammerhead, Smooth
Shark, Mako very edible
Shark, Sand Tiger
Shark, Sandbar
Shark, Dogfish, Smooth- Edible
Shark, Dogfish, Spiny
Shark, Thresher- Edible
Shark, Tiger
Sheepshead edible
Spotted Seatrout- Edible
Striped Bass- Edible
Tautog very edible
Tuna, Bigeye- Edible
Tuna, Blackfin- Edible
Tuna, Bluefin - Edible
Tuna, Yellowfin- Edible
Wahoo edible
Weakfish[size 1] edible[/size]
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Hey there, 1 story and 1 question
Just came back from fishing in BC, drift jigging (caught 4 coho) and plenty of Spiney Dogs. kept 2 of the dogs and took to a buddy, he skinned and smoked them...YUMMY.
question, he says you have to skin them quickly, but I didnt get a chance to see him skin them, does anyone know how to skin a dogfish?
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When you say dogfish, i'm thinking you're refering to spiney dogfish, the one that looks just like a shark but with no teeth. I might also add, great eatting.
The way I usually skin a shark is by simply filleting the skin off. It takes a little practice to become good at it, but once you do it's as quick as filleting the fish itself.
I've heard of people skinning them the same way you would a catfish, however, I can nor confirm or deney the reliability of this method on sharks.
The method i'm reffering to is cutting around the head, fins and belly; then, while utilizing a pair of good pliers, starting at the head and pulling the skin down ward towards the tail. This works very well on catfish, and as coarse as a sharks skin is, I imagine it would work just as well on them. Mind you, i've not tried this on sharks, maybe someone else has and can give a little input.
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Black tips are very good to eat. Just check with your local Fish and Game or DNR or whomever governs your fishing rules to make sure it is legal to kill them in your area.[cool]
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Ewwwwwweee, don't sharks unrinate through their skin? I wonder what the tails deep fried would taste like[  ].
I've actually had dogfish or what I called sand shark, (maybe the same maybe not) and it wasn't bad for white meat. But I doubt I'll ever eat it again. To many other good fish to eat.
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The Spiny Dog Fish is actually good eating. It need to be prepared properly for full enjoyment.
The Blue Shark is the notorious one for Urinating through the Skin. Most of the other Sharks just have normal anal secretions.[cool]
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[url ""] ![[Image: 36_1_10.gif]]( [/url] Thanks for the heads up EZOP, I've caught sand sharks and will now won't be tempted to try one. Just smoked a blue fish and still can't get by the taste. I'll just have to use them for fluke bait.
[url ""] ![[Image: sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb114&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS]]( [/url]