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We hit the Bear River on Friday night. The fishing was really good for small fish. There must have been a good spawn last year because the river is full of 8-12 inch channels. You couldn't keep a worm in the water for more than a minute before one would take off with it. We usually fish worms before dark to get a few carp for bait, but we only caught one carp between the three of us. We each put on bigger baits to try and keep the small ones off, but still ended up catching quite a few more of the small ones. My brother got big fish of the night with a big 25" male. I couldn't manage anything over 15" and my dad got a fat 18 incher. We also caught a few bullheads, but they were pretty small.
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Thanks for posting your report PDS, we sure don't get many reports about the lower Bear river. Were you fishing down toward the Bird refuge or up toward Corinne? Did you catch most of them before or after dark and how late did you stay? Sorry for all the questions but it has been a while since my last trip to the Bear and I sure would like to get out there and give it a try. Last question, how high is the water? I would like to take my boat out and fish the area below Corinne in a few holes that were good some years back. WH2
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We decided to go up higher and ended up fishing near Bear River City and started catching fish almost from the time we arrived at 7:30 p.m. We stayed until a little after 11:00 p.m. and the fishing never slowed down. The river was really low, back to the pre-runoff state and was nice and warm. You should be able to put in at Corrine and head down without any problem. We did that a couple of times last year and had no problem with the low water levels. The river up where we fished usually doesn't produce quite as big of fish, but usually the bite is a lot faster.
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I spent a morning in a canoe on the Bear River last week, and it was awesome. I was in the Cache Valley area and the fish there were pretty active. I wasn't fishing, but passed a guy who was. Apparently, he's been doing pretty good for walleye in there.
At one point we pulled our canoe up to the shore and saw about 8 sets of fish lips just sucking on the surface. What's that all about?
It was a gorgeous trip. Not your typical Utah river, but VERY cool.
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That would be the carp. When the water temp gets very hot, the oxygen content drops to low levels. The carp begin to gulp air to get more oxygen.
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I've fished the area around the old bridge a little south of BRC, is that near the area you were fishing? How were the mosquitos? WH
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Hey Lurechucker, what area was the guy fishing that was doing good for the walleye. Thanks for the info. WH
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He was fishing underneath a bridge using a good old fashioned worm (it looked like). He was just sitting there, and he would give the rod a good jigging twitch every 4-5 seconds.
All I know is that there are some big old fish in that river. We skimmed over the top of one in our canoe, and he slapped the water as he swam away. Scared the buh-geezies out of me and made quite a splash.
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Now you've got me wondering where this bridge is, are you talking about the back water by Benson marina? That is the only area I can think of in Cache valley that has a bridge by it. WH
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The mosquitos weren't bad, but I used the bug spray anyway. We were a bit upriver from the old bridge.
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I got into some walleye on the Bear a couple of weeks back too. I got a couple at the bridge by Benson Marina, but the best action was by far on the river across from the Stake Center in Benson. Just north of the stake center is a pulloff with a boat launch and a bridge too. Maybe that is where lurechucker is talking about? Anyhow I was fishing on the second wide bend south from the boat launch. I tried worms, chicken liver, carp, and shrimp. Got a couple of channels (1 on liver two on worms), several walleye (all on worms) and about a dozen carp as well. The bite was quite steady just like the original post talked about. It was quite exciting because I never knew what I was going to bring in.
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The bridge I'm talking about is the next one past the bridge by the canoe put-in (Brought to you by Pacificorp). It's the one just by the junction of 4000 W and 3800 N--although from the sounds of it, you can get into walleye all through that section, eh Jethro?
Chock-full of fishies. I talked with Jim, the owner of Muddy Road Outfitters. He said they pull some good walleye and good catfish out of there. They also rent canoes for short or long trips, and he does hunting trips on his property there. Nicest guy in the world and a surprisingly beautiful area.
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I fished at the Pacific corp launch today (7/30). Caught one catfish and one carp before the damn PWC teens launched and cut a dounut right in front of me. I gave them a piece of my mind and then left.
I still don't know where that second old bridge is. Is it south or north of the launch? I walked a ways down a trail on the East south side of the highway bridge but only saw a couple places where I could get to the river and no other bridge. Do you have to be in a canoe/boat to access the second bridge? How far from the 3800 North bridge is it? The only other bridge I'm aware of is at Benson Marina and it is fairly new.
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I fished below Cutler Dam tonight, caught two dink walleye, and one five pound catfish. Didn't have any bait, Caught all three fish on a chartruese curl fish!
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Congrats on the fat Cat! Did you fish right where the generators are or further down river?
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You got it! right at the generators! I only fished for about 1-1/2 hours, tried one hole further down,but got zip!
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Years and years ago a friend and I were fishing there and right off the bat starting getting hits. Then I hooked into what looked like about a three foot walleye but it got off before I could get it in. We were also using curly tails. Then a few minutes later the warning horn went off and they shut off the generators sending our walleye all down the river as the flow shut off. I would have liked to ring the neck of whoever decided to shut the generators off at such a bad time.
I've tried fishing there a few times over the years but never caught anything but carp. Used to fish the little stream below the dam and catch some trout but I noticed they have got a no tresspassing sign there now.
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Well that was the first time that I have cought Walleye in the Bear, but I have known they were in there for a long time!
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I'm attaching some pictures, do they look like the same area you were talking about?
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Ding! Ding! Ding!
As far as I can tell, you hit the nail right on the head. That second photo is the Pacificorp put-in, and the first looks like the bridge where the old-timer's been pulling out the walleye. Looks like in the photo there's a bit more water than was there when I went floating down. There's amazing bird nests up underneath the bridge.
You don't need canoe access to get to it, just follow the road down from 3800 W. (which turns into 4000 W.) down to 3800 N.
Actually, if you go to and type in Riverside UT and search, you just select the one in Cache County, and it puts you right on the bridge. Or, you can [url ""]try clicking here[/url].
Hope this helps! (I'm not super-familiar with Cache County, so I hope I haven't  everyone too badly!)