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new person here(need some carp info)
yep im new...hello to all you fellow anglers out there, need some advice on some carp fishing...ive caught many large fish in past years...but for the last 3 years i havent been catching as many and for the past year i havent caught one...i don't know if fish are catching on or if its the lake im fishing at...the area i fish is located in paSadena, MD called lake waterford...if any1 here has ever been which i doubt, but the fact is that lake is horrible because of all the ducks and geese putting diseases in the water from people feeding them bread.It kills all the sport fish in the lake like the largemouth are incredibly small and there is very small amounts of them...the biggest bass i pulled outta there was around 2-3 lbs if that.And its even posted do not feed the waterfowl and that it may result in a fine...but people are too ignorant around here and they only think for themselves.

But anyways, back to the carp issue...i need to know a few simple techniques for bringing some in, ive been anxious all year to pull one up and every time i go im dissapointed to not even get a bite...the basic techniques i use are as follows:

bait: white bread, oatmeal, corn, and some times worms

depth: around 6-8 feet deep

tackle: usually something smaller than a size 6 hook with no sinkers or bobbers and usually 4lb test.(i like my fish to feel like monsters) with ultra light rods.

also keep in mind im fishing from shore line since boats are not allowed in this area

if there is any1 from around my area that knows some good places for me to fish for carp and/or largemouth that are fairly close tell me im always interested in new areas....

if theres any further questions ask away and thanks for any info at all!
Welcome to the BigFishTackle message forums. Thanks for the question as well.

I have not been to that lake but I have fished many throughout the US. The general attractant for Carp would be sweet dough baits. Carp generally have a "sweet tooth" so to say and will eat just about anything with sugar in it.

We have a few recipes for Carp bait on the recipe board. Feel free to check some of them out.[cool]
thanks for the info...i actually used to make my own bait out of brown sugar and flour and well all kinds of stuff but i dont have the recipie for it anymore...maybe if i look where you said i can find it again...i got it out of The Freshwater Fisherman's Bible which i lost a while ago...

but, yeah , thanks a lot.

Hi there,[Smile]
I cant give ya much advice on the area where you go fishin,but I can tell ya that those inconsiderate people that keep feeding bread to the ducks and geese may have a kind gesture [angelic]in mind,but it's the yeast in the bread that depleats (destroys)the oxygen in thewater,[crazy]hence,killing fish[Sad],creating bad water [pirate],harbor for diseases.[mad] If people want to feed the ducks and geese,someone should tell them that their NATURAL FOOD is better.It's not a rocket scientist's level of education to know that their natural food is grains! [sly] We know how hard-headed and sometimes down-rite stupid people can be! Maybe some should suggest this to the lake,or park where you fish and even spring the idea[shocked] to sell small packets of grain(cracked corn,milo,oats,barley,etc.)to the people that want to feed the critters there! That way,what the ducks miss or drop,the fish can eat too,this way, it wont contaminate the water ,but it will slowly make BIGGER FISH!!![sly][laugh][cool][Wink]

As far as your bait for carp..
(yummy rack of ribs,breaded w/cornmeal and deep fried...woowee)!
Oops,ha got side-tracked in thought of them ribs,anyway for carp bait,if you want to use white bread,dont use regular loaf bread unless its wheat. Use french bread,break it in pieces and knead into a dough with cream corn.knead it until its not sticky and it resembles clay.Soft and firm,but not mushy. Another fine bait is wheatie balls.Made of course from the cereal Wheaties.Crushed,moistened and madeinto a dough similar to bread dough.
I hope my suggestions are of some kinda help,if not ,hopefully it was good reading material![sly]
thanks for this info about the grain you may end up saving lake waterford by suggesting this...

and im gonna try these wheaties balls[Smile]
Hi again,
I was thinking about yer carp thang![Wink] There are a few different kind of carp as you may know.Golden(my names are derrived from spanish names) have a long slender body(usually female) ,some have a big ol humpback(usually male),Grass carp are much darker and longer.Coi carp(giant goldfish) spook really easy. Their eating habits really depends on where they live. They are very smart as we humans tend to think fish are stupid[Tongue].Carp are 2nd to bass in smarts! If you want to bag a carp,you have to be smarter than the fish (no hard feelings,I found out the hard way!!! haha)

1) use a "not so normal bait" in a small lake,most everybody uses worms,dont use worms for carp in a small lake! Use worms in a big lake or river.Try your wheatie balls. buckwheat was always my favorite and they always work best in still water(no current).

2)Look for carp in similar settings where you would find bass.Tree trunks laying in water(not standing),cat tails with some space between them,etc.

3)If possible,don't let your shadow get in the water and don't stand where sun is directly on you. the fish will see you either way.

4)Carp will most of the time,"taste" of the bait first (yer gettin a bite,shhhh),then they could come back 2 or 3 times.But usually if they like what they see,they'll take it on the 2nd or 3rd taste.But dont panic,they dont know they're hooked until they try to leave after they have eaten.then he's on good. but if you tug before he's done or move the bait while its being studied,he's gone.

Ok thats enough of my yappin fer awhile.hope ya enjoy reedin mah ledder.
yeah i knew that carp spook really easily and how they like to sit there and suck on a bait for a long time...this is why i hate going fishing with other people...which i normally have to do to get a ride there....they are always loud and they always try to set the hook as soon as they see a bite...not only that but the best fishing spot in the lake is usually over-run with the ducks and geese cuz people like to feed them and they all go rushing after the bread and they prolly scare everything away by doing this.

oh yeah i forgot to mention there was also a sewage leak in this lake from the workers building on the new roads and thats why i think in the past year or so about 50% of the fish maybe more have died....i noticed this during the bass spawning season this year...last year i could see over 20 or 30 swimming in the shallows, this year i saw a grand total of 3 the entire spawning season and only caught one of those 3...

infact i think this is why some largemoth bass are starting to show up in the magothy river (the lake is actually the upper part of this river) and the river is of brakish water and is connected to the chesapeake bay....i think some of the fish may have left the lake to seek more habitable water and they are adapting to the saltier dad was even telling me about how he was catching largemouth down in the magothy river.

but anyways there are some bits of info in there that can help me in ways so thanks, [laugh]
found out a new type of rig for carp called a "carp legering rig" but having trouble trying to find some of these rigs....

its a metal spiral with several hooks inside and when the bait is sucked in the hook gets set...pretty seems

any1 that has some info on where to find this rig tell me i want some, ive checked all the local stores and there are none so im guessing ill have to specially order it from the net...
finally caught one but it was the smallest one of my life...i used my own bait which i made out of: flour, vegetable oil, strawberry and cream oatmeal, brown sugar, cinamin, and water.

the carp went crazy over this all day but i only seemed to hook one the entire could actually see all the carp moving in and eating cuz of all the bubbles and their tail fins sticking out of the water...the fish was only about 14-16 inches long but put up a struggle for a tiny guy...especially since i was only using 2 lb. test [cool]
well i caught another on some brown sugar oatmeal...over 24 inches and he got me back the moment i was about to land it...a hook went through my finger nail...pretty deep in there too...had to go to the hospitol...whats funny is the rangers at the lake know me becuase of this...its about the 3rd or 4th time its happened in the past year or 2...from now on im bringing a net instead of trying to land my big fish by hand[Tongue]
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]Welcome to BFT.... I have used Shredded Wheat cereal before to catch carp. I just buy it then mix it with a little bit of water and make it into sort of like a dough. Then I use to use it with a treble hook about size 4-6. [/size][/#ff4040][/font]

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