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Deer Hunting??? Where's everyone going??
I am headed up Logan canyon with sasquatch and a few other people..
I just hope for some snow between now and then...
The snow last year helped and hurt my efforts last year...
I got a deer but my truck slid of the road...
Well hope to hear from everyone...
I'll be hitting the NorthEast Unit this year -- up above Roosevelt. Most years I go up that way we get a deer. Then again, 1 year we didn't even see 1 doe, and one other year only saw 3 or 4 doe, and only 1 truck with a buck in it. I think it depends on the drought, whether or not there is snow up high, etc.
Unfortunately my hunting party did the snooze and lose and didnt get our usual N.E. tags. So we are stuck with Northern tags, and really clueless where to go that isnt private or CWMU in that region. We have spent a few weekends driving all around the northern region and havent found anything exciting. So we settled on the Whitney Lake area up Mirror lake. Last week I went up with my buddy to that area on the elk hunt, didnt see elk or deer, just alot of moose.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Bear Lake... I'll listen to all the shooting in the hills from the lake.[/size][/black][/font]
I'll be shooting at animals with feathers instead.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]I'm with OEJ, I will be shooting animals with feathers also. No deer this year.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I allready went on the muzzleloader up by Bear Lake. I hope that no one wastes their time up around the lake area. The monster snow storms we had up there last year have devastated them in that general area. I will be working on my home addition and getting ready for my trip on Bear Lake with Jim Stone on the 29th of this month. I am gonna see what he can teach me. Good Luck and be safe wearever you go. Watch out for the guys that tell you that they "got off a good sound shot"
OEJ, hunting things with feathers??? What are ya? A wuss!!![Tongue]
Yep, sure as hell am! I saw those pics from last year and that huge Smile on your face and decided it just was not for me... Maybe next year. Besides birds are much more fun.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]At least with birds your "almost" guaranteed to shoot. Very often do you not shoot.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Trust me, i would much rather be on Bear lake or Flaming Gorge this weekend, but i have been told I am a dead man if I mess with tradition!!!
Well you better go then, can have a dead polokid lying around stinking up the place.
South slope - Diamond Mountain limited entry tag for me. Only took me eight years to draw it. I'm so excited I dropped the dough for a new four wheeler last night.
Current Creek Peak area for me in the NE region. Mr. J.
Central unit, about as far west as I can get. I'm hiking in with my dad and brother about 5:00 A.M. tomorrow morning into an area I've seen a couple of really decent 30"ers in. Chances are my brother or I will have one of these two hogs on the ground tomorrow morning. One big plus with my area is that it doesn't get all that much presure. Last year I saw two other hunters, the ENTIRE hunt, and both of them were road hunters. So I won't have any problems with my deer getting spooked out of the area. Now it's all a matter of tracking down my buck, putting him in my sights and touching off my trusty .243 Gee golly I love this time of year!

Good luck y'all!
That gun is tad bit small but if you can drive tacks it will do to 300 yards...[Tongue][Tongue]
No deer yet...
Sasquatch found a spike that had not been recovered...[unsure]
Neck shot so no blood trail.....
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]That gun is kinda small, but it is a great deer gun. You just have to know how to shoot. [/size][/#ff4040][/font]
.243 will do just fine. Jethros' wife had a .223 this year and I know that will bring down a deer.
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]You just have to put it in the right place. Placement of your shot is all it takes to kill and animal with a small caliber gun.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]

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