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Fishin' in the Rain
I've been looking forward to fishing tomorrow (Saturday) morning all week. As I sit here looking out the window, it's obvious that things are going to be a little moist upon the next rising of the sun.

Hence, my question: What, my friends, have been your experiences with fishing in the rain in cooler temperatures, such as these, in late October?

Personally, I don't mind fishin' in the rain. In fact, I kind of like it, especially if I'm not freezing my nether regions off.

I remember once when as a youth I was fishing off a relative's dock in front of his old cabin at Strawberry back before the demolition of the Soldier Creek dam and catching some huge rainbows in short succession while it was raining like mad. Others had fished off of the dam earlier that day using similar methods as mine, but I was the only one to stay after it began to downpour, and subsequently, I was the only one to catch fish that day.

Do any of you think I have a chance tomorrow at sunup, at Yuba, on the shore, fishing with spinners, hoping to catch a few fat 'bows or a lonely northern pike or two?

The reason I'm asking is I don't know if I want to make the long trip down there if y'all think the weather would make the trip fruitless...

What think ye? All you experts, please sound off....
I've had some of the fastest and biggest numbers come on days with rain. Some species of fish love to "hunt" with the cover of a storm.

I have also had periods where fishing has absolutely sucked during rain. Smile

Wear your rain gear and you should be A-OK.
I personally don't know a whole lot about Yuba, but I think this cold weather/rain will get the walleye at Utah lake going. Hopefully.
Hey let me know how you did i plan on fishing yuba in the afternoon.

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