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Fishing with newbie at Strawberry
Tony had never been ice fishing and wanted to go, so I took him to
Strawberry today. We also let MGB tag along to keep us humble. Sam caught his first fish in about 30 seconds after dropping his line down the hole. There was a nice cutt waiting for him not more than 5 feet down the hole.

[inline TonyFirstIceFish.JPG]

Tony's first fish.

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Tony again with a nice 21 incher.

Tony ended up catching eleven cutts and had a wonderful time. It was enjoyable introducing the wonderful world of ice fishing to another angler.
Congrats on a nice first day Tony. One nice thing about the berry is that you can catch a lot of nice fish...the bad thing is putting all those plump fish back down the hole!
Sounds like you were a good teacher Kent . I didn't get there till 10:00am and fished till the wind blew but no record catching day but I had fun . Just could find any perch [Tongue] .
Hey Kent was that you on 40 by LakeX? Did ya have a couple of sleds on a trailer? I was on my way to Park City to pick up my broken draughter. Another knee on the slopes bites the dust. If she keeps this up she'll need permanent knee braces.
Glad ya had a good time.
Thanks for letting me go with you guys kent. It was a good day on the berry, catching 31 among those where a 22.5 inch,24 inch and a rainbow that where all released. Fishing was tough after 1:30 I only scrped up a hand full from 1:30 - 5:00. Good to meet you Tony have do it again. Also meet MeMeMe, too bad about the wet leg hope you kept warm in the Hilton.
[cool]Sounds like you were a good guide, Kent. Congrats on a nice day of fishing. I'm finally feeling the itch to chase some big trout, so I'm going up there next weekend (FINALLY!!!). Maybe I'll see ya up there.

By the way, since I haven't been up there lately, how thick is the ice? I'm guessing 12 inches, but what is the real thickness??
Not me Road, my method of transportation is my two legs.
Nice fish Tony!Good coaching Kent
Kent and Mike,
I can't thank you enough for a great day on Saturday. I don't think I could have asked for a better day. You were very patient and gracious. You were both excellent teachers willing to answer all my questions and let me share in the fun of ice fishing. I've never before had the experience of realizing that my fingers were numb and my toes were cold but not caring because I just "iced a 21" cutt at the berry". It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we can do it again some time. I'll take what I learned and hopefully have many more fun experiences ice fishing with friends and family.

I just want to say that neither Kent nor Mike had met me before. Kent contacted me after I posted on the DWR forum and invited me to go ice fishing. I imagine that if this had not happened, I would have gone out with some inexperienced buddies with inadequate equipment and no clue what to do and been skunked and resolved never to go again. Kent could have just given me some tips on the forum and wished me luck. Instead he went the extra mile (60 miles I think) and extended a very friendly hand to help out a fellow angler. It made all the difference in the world to me. What a great opportunity. Many many thanks again Kent and MIke.
Tony, you are very welcome. It was a pleasure fishing with you. Reflecting back, I wish that I wouldn't have been so selfish in attempting to catch fish myself and spent more time giving you some more ideas that you could use on other bodies of water and for fishing for different species. Hopefully, I will do a better job next time.
Tony, you are welcome. You caught on so quick I think you are ready for stergeon fishing.
MGB, It was Nice Meeting You & Kent as well. Yeah It Really stinks to fall in an Icehole!! LOL But, Things dried eventually & I did stay fairly warm. Thanks

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