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PETA, the truth
For anyone that is as sick of P.E.T.A. as I am the following link is to a video clip done by Penn and Teller. It does have some bad language so if you are adverse to that don't look. Definitely some good information.

[url ""][/url]
Definitely alot of truth in that!!!
[font "Lucida Sans Unicode"][red][size 3]THANKS FOR THE INFO, I WILL HAVE TO PASS THAT AROUND A LITTLE!!![Wink][Wink][/size][/red][/font]
[font "Lucida Sans Unicode"][#ff0000][size 3][/size][/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Lucida Sans Unicode"][#ff0000][size 3]H.F.H.[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
That tell you the true story I like those two.....

I couldnt agree more with P&T!!![Tongue]
When I watched this it made me laugh because I remembered something my cousin did one time. He was at UVSC and there was a PETA group there. He asked one of the demonstrators if they supported killing animals to make leather. The guy told him no. My cousin asked the guy why he was wearing leather shoes if he was against killing animals. The guy got all upset, took off his shoes, and asked my cousin if he wanted them. My cousin took the shoes and started to walk away. The guy ran after my cousin demanding his shoes back. What a hypocrite. They all are hypocrites and full of crap.
[cool][#0000ff]My favorite (unanswered) question to PETA is why they harass little old ladies in fur coats and don't mess with bikers wearing leathers. Maybe they are smarter than they look...or simply believe in safe harassment.[/#0000ff]
In addition to the comment regarding the hypocrisy of PETA members who wear leather, let me add that every PETA member should be a self-regulated and strict vegan, and if an individual PETA member isn't, then that individual is a hypocrite.

If a PETA member goes to a restaurant or supermarket and purchases meat or eggs in any form for consumption, then he/she is supporting the killing of animals, plain and simple. If there were no market for beef or poultry, then ranchers would stop raising the animals to sell to suppliers.

Certainly anyone who consumes meat has no right to tell me I shouldn't hunt or fish because either directly or indirectly if I'm sitting down to a dinner with meat or fish as the main entre, then I've contributed to the death of an animal, regardless if I paid someone else to kill the animal for me or I killed it myself.

I would argue that ethical, responsible hunters are kinder to animals than meat eaters who don't hunt because as an ethical, responsible hunter I can guarantee that the animal I'm consuming died with little or no suffering and was dispatched in a humane manner.

I'll climb down off my soap box now.
You guys worry too much about PETA...

Anyone can see that they are a bunch of idiots. As with everything else in life, the truth is somewhere in the middle. These whacked out extremeist groups (on both sides) serve the purpose of making the rest of the masses think.

Now don't misunderstand, I'm not defending PETA here, I think that they are a bunch of misguided fools that have let ridiculious ideals get in the way of common sense.

But I feel the EXACT SAME WAY about the NRA...

The thing is that PETA reminds US to be ethical as sportsmen (and women, gotta stay P.C. here), just like the NRA reminds all of the socialist whacko's who want the government to run our lives, that it ain't gonna happen.

I used to, until I was about 12, participate routinely in a practice that we all know as "bunny blasting". Just 8 or 10 guys with guns, walking through the sage brush out in the west desert, killing anything that moved. I remember walking up on some innocent jack rabbit that that I had just minced with a 12 gauge and almost feeling sick to my stomach over what I had done. Looking back now I cant belive adults that were supposed to be role models would promote such things.

And I'm sorry to offend, but if you take your kids out "bunny blasting", Or you leg trap, or shoot a coyote or badger so that you can peel its skin off or hang its tail from your antenna, or you trophy hunt big game only to put their stuffed heads on your wall,and waste the meat.

Then you are no better than a PETA member...

I am an avid hunter of both big and small game, waterfowl,and upland game, as well as a fisherman. But if I was in charge, I would ban all bowhunting. Why should such a majestic animal as a Deer or Elk suffer the fate of having an arrow stuck through its lung and create a blood trail of a half mile to follow, which would be a sucessful hunt, many Elk will go for miles and miles. Its totally barbaric if you ask me, especally given the technoligy in modern rifles.

I guess all I'm saying is though I kill many animals every year, I try to do so in the quickest, most humane way possible and I make sure that I eat everything I kill. And I think thats the way it should be.

And PETA is never going to get fishing and hunting banned, so quit worring about them and getting so mad.

They're just exercising their first amendment right to free speech, and we all want that don't we ???

Of course thats just my opinion... I could be wrong !
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040][size 3]Wow! Ban bow hunting??? If you hit them in the right spot, they usually don't go far. An arrow is just as much deadly as a bullet. Just my 2 cents worth.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Ban Bow hunting ????? What are you talking about ????
thats the only big game hunting I do. if the arrow is placed right the animal with only run 50 yards or less. I seen rifle shot animals run further then that and even sometimes not found. so banning the bow hunt would not do any good but upset alot of people, me being one of them. later chuck
So what you are saying is that all animals shot with a rifle die quick and easy and anything shot with archery equipment is going to suffer for days? How often do you see rifle hunters take 300, 400, 500, and longer shots at animals? How do you know if you have even hit the animal at these distances unless you watch the animal fall? I hate when rifle hunters take a long shot and then say, "Oh, I missed, where's another deer to take a pot shot at?" I enjoy both kinds of hunting but I would take archery any day over rifle hunting. I prefer archery because you have to use skill and woodsmanship to get close enough to the animals to take a humane shot. With rifle hunting you can ride the roads or just sit on a hill and take a shot on an animal you can hardly even see.

I respect your opinion even though I have to agree. I have done a lot of both types of hunting and would still take archery hunting over rifle hunting, without a question.
Easy there fishluvr, before you start saying things like
" [size 1]With rifle hunting you can ride the roads or just sit on a hill and take a shot on an animal you can hardly even see."[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1][size 2]How about time of year? I guarantee a bow hunter ( I know because I bow hunt too) wouldn't be able to get as close to an animal during say October than he/she could at the end of August or early September. Besides, most eastern archery hunters just sit in a tree stand all day by a food plot and wait for a dear to walk under their stand. Bottom line is that you're going to find irresponsible hunters with rifles and with archery tackle. I've seen rifle hunters who are every bit the skilled woodsman you think that archery hunters are exclusive to. So think before you start putting one on a pedestal over another.[/size][/size]
I don't remember saying rifle hunters can not be good woodsmen. I also don't remember saying they only sit on roads to hunt. My main point is that archery hunters are not the only ones out there hurting and not recovering animals. So guess what, we agree that there are irresponsible archery hunters and rifle hunters. I like both sports so I am not the total exclusive nose in the air type.
ban bow hunting. bow hunting is my true passion. ive have hit an elk in the lungs with my bow. nice 5x5 from six yrs. he went less than80 yrds and dropped in veiw of me. ive hit an elk in the heart with my 30 06 and had them go half a mile. it goes both ways. always shot elk in lungs. and deer always shoot the heart. my dad shot a big old buck when i was young in the lungs and it kept stopping and coughing up blood and would run again. lost it to. its all just oppinion. guns are for killing bows are for hunting. i do hunt for big annamals only not just for the mount but for the challange. small young annamals are to easy to harvest and give minnamal challage to a vetran hunter. bunny blasting is not a bad thing at all. it feeds many of gods cretures threw the assistace of man. youg bald eagles bennafit big time as well as youg kyotes. same as when a big game annimal is mortaley wounded. i feal some times god takes the game for the ones who desserve it most. wether it be birds bees or bears or wolves whatever. nothing in nature is ever waisted!!!!! so why ban any hunting? i look at it when i loose a game annimal doing my part threw gods will...
I don't remember saying you said rifle hunters couldn't be good woodsmen.
You said you prefer archery because[size 1] [/size]
[size 1]"you have to use skill and woodsmanship to get close enough to the animals to take a humane shot." "With rifle hunting you can ride the roads or just sit on a hill and take a shot on an animal you can hardly even see."...[/size]
[size 1][/size]
I was simply disagreeing with the content of what you said in the above portion. Nothing else. Woodsmanship and skill are atributes of good hunters not the weapon they choose.
p.s. The Penn & teller video was right on the button. thanks for sharing.
pinksnapper: If PETA were simply trying to create more humane conditions for animals, that would be one thing. That is what they state they are out to do, but in reality, they are a radical fringe group that supports domestic terrorism. Did you watch that video? Have you ever looked around on their website? I looked around on their site and it was a joke. PETA's goal is to make all humans vegans (no use of animal products or services what so ever). They are a hate group in my opinion. PETA does not 'remind me to be and ethical sportsmen' as you say. Online forums like this (BFT, DWR, ect.) promote ethics and sporting conduct much more than a radical group that values animal life over human.
I'll remember you the next time I go rabbit hunting, and when they scream, I'll laugh and look down at my leather shoes and laugh some more.

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