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Hit mantua today with luvs2atv his wife and MGB, Fishing was slow but we did manage a few. mostly bluegill in the 8" range but to my surprise the first fish I halled up was a 16" bucket mouth. MGB took some pics. I'm sure he'll post them.

Thanks for the tips BLM!!
We were also there this morning. I talked to MGB at the ramp before he headed over to the inlet.
We walked out about 1/4 mile and fished in water depths from 12' to 16'. 12' feet worked best. We iced a mess of gills. I got a grand slam icing a perch, a bass, a bow, and a bunch of gills. My son and grandson were with me. My 4 year old grandson got the only double of the day. Both nice gills. We also fished with one other person that we met today. Dubob is his user name and he will get set up here shortly. He didn't know about BFT until I told him about it.
I tried several standard perch set ups with none better than the other. The smaller the jig the better. A great day with great folks.
Oh man I'd love to catch a mess of bluegills! And my boy would love it even more!
Any ice lures work better than others? Whereabouts produced the most fish?
Yes, it was slow catching tody. There where plenty of fish beneath us that would not strike our jiggs or they would give one quick tap. I wish I would of caught FishingPro40's LM Bass it was a nice one.

Good seeing you again DKS, its been awhile, good to hear you got into them.
We went east of the ramp in an area that produced for us last fall. I have found the best fishing to be in the middle area and away from the shore. I was surprised to find the fishing better in 12' than 16' though. My best jig was a very small pink grub and very small jig head 1/64 oz., that I got at Hooked. I put it under a rat finkie or a jigging spoon. It hooked the perch and trout also.Tipped with meal or wax worm with both equal in results. Fish were all on the bottom. I would bounce the jig on the bottom to get the fish excited, and it worked very well.
Good to see you MGB. We hit the water at the same time a lot, but hardly ever hook up to say hi.
I had by radio on 12 and 7 all day with no responce from anyone. Does anyone use a radio any more?
I have a radio, but I haven't been using it lately. That's a good idea though! I say we all use a universal channel so we can find the BFT people at any givin time in the Mantua/Hyrum area, or any area for that matter.

I'll try Hyrum in the morning,and if that doesn't produce, I'll head over to Mantua.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Nice Bass! I'll bet that fish put up quite a fight! Glad some of the tips helped you out.[/size][/black][/font]
Channel 12 has been the BFT channel for several years. I like to use 7 also because it had a longer range.
Nice bucketmouth Fishnpro40 . I was think of going there or the View this weekend . Now why would MGB editing pic to cut your head off .[Tongue]
I got as close as I could to take the picture thats why the top of his head is cut off. I seen the blue gill picture you took of IFG. NICE JOB! (NOT) You better hope P4L doesn't disqualify that picture.
The pic has borders like it was cropped , that is why I thought you cut some off it . My mistake !! I can't help IFG . It was his camera . I should of been closer but I'm sure he can get a better pic of a bigger fish . By the way who's winning ? I would think they would judge it when it is posted instead of waiting till it is game over . But hey TMHO . Good Luck . My stupid computer sure hates this site . It keeps crashing on me . Now if I can get the "post reply" button to work . [Tongue]
I have to be honest with ya Randy. I did crop the pic and cut off part of his head,but it was a good excuse. Good eye!

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