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I have been told by two different sources, that the Largemouth Bass and Trout in the bass tank and the kiddie fishing pond at the boat show are doomed!!!
Why? Not because of disease or lack of interest...but because the DWR refuses to issue a permit so these fish can be moved and planted FREE of charge into any urban pond that the DWR has bass and trout already in.
Cabela's wants the bass and trout for their aquarium...but their request has fallen on deaf ears at the DWR. They were refused a permit to transport the fish from the boat show to their aquarium.
These fish cost $1.00 an inch and the smallest fish is over 12 inches. There are 14 bass and an untold number of trout. Do the math...$168.00 of free bass that some kid could catch or if given to Caleba's could educate hundred's.
Before anyone remarks that the DWR has rules against transporting fish from one water to another...think about all the fish transplants that the DWR does...when it suits them.
These fish came out of a certified private hatchery...but because the DWR will not authorize a transport permit...all of these fish are going to be the end of the boat show.
Wonder why the bucket biologists vigilanties exist??? Here's an example.
I don't condone bucket biology transplants...but I don't condone bureaucratic idiocracy either.
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There is no way to justify the killing if those fish. That's like killing the elephants when the circus is over. Where are the "animal rights defenders" when you need them? Seems pretty ridiculous to me, even a slimer has feelings.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]HAHAHAHAHA....killing the elephants after the circus. Great analogy![/#ff4040][/font]
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Sorta reminds me of the plight of a Grey Hound after its value at the dog track has come to an end.
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And what makes it worse is that Cabela's tried for several hours yesterday (Friday) to get a permit and told me when I talked with them that they were refused on all levels.
The Hatchery guy also tried to get permission and said he would haul the fish to any urban pond FREE of charge if he could get the permit to do so.
Yeah...So where's the NEWS Media when we need them? Oh...yeah they'll all over in Italy...
If anyone has any Media contacts...send them to the boat show with camera's and reporters...we may still have a chance to save the fish.
Cabela's is willing to take them and give them a good home in their aquarium...or any urban pond would hold them...where they could spawn in the spring...and enhance the whole fishery.
Let's see how the DWR will explain this one...Monday morning.
Even if the permit people were off....there's always someone in charge during the business any explanation the DWR will give is just incompetant excuses.
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I have a couple of Questions: What kind of a permit did they use to get the fish to the boat show? Why can't they use that same permit to remove them? When the people at the boat show arranged this, why didn't they think about this then? Why can't the private pond owners take them back to his ponds? If the fish were raised in Utah and I would guess in a certified private pond, what is DWR's problem with them going into another private pond? Or even what does the DWR have to do with it anyway?
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KJ I don't know what kind of permit it was but they (DWR) would only give said permit as one way...
And say that no one can get a permit to move fish from one water to another water ...NOT even fish tank to fish tank or from a fish tank to a pond......
This is your tax money at work ...
I was under the idea that the DWR needs more money for fish and other things but now ...NO if they are wasting or willing to waste fish that is FREE and will be put in the ponds for the kids FREE or put in Cabelas for all to enjoy that is wasting game and they should get the tick.....
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I think this sounds like parents and matter how perfect the situation may be and easily attained, the kids beg for life...the parents for some unknown "moral" or "civil" or "ethical" reason just say NO.
so what happens is the kids...  ...just sneak out and do it behind their backs and say *(&%$&*(%^$# the parents Ill do it myself. sorry for the explicative.....this is sensless to me.
I too dont understand the reason the fish cannot leave with the same permit they showed up with, and I dont understand that is a private land owner with a pond, like oh...hi ute ranch off I-80 in park city, can t say bring em here we'll take em. if its private land and not wetland or water shed, I think the sate is out of luck, especially when that same person could call next week and order a load of fish, of the same kind, from a cert. hatchery/pond and have it calling KSL. [mad]
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[cool][#0000ff]I am in complete sympathy with the situation. I hate to see fish wasted, especially if they could be put into a kids' pond or in an aquarium for others to enjoy.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]BUT...let me play devil's advocate here for a minute. We all know that a big concern with DWR is the prevention of potential diseases from water to water. Unless someone from DWR could quarantine the fish, and conduct costly analysis and studies, they would not be able to certify the fish as being free from harmful fungus or disease.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I seriously doubt that anyone in DWR would consciously vote against saving fish for others to either harvest or enjoy. Most of those folks are all about increasing and improving the sport, not denying someone access to it. I am sure that the reasons for not being willing and/or able to issue a transfer permit is more of a time consideration than simply a "big meanie" issue.[/#0000ff]
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TubeDude These fish are certified diseases free and are in the tank that you seen at the boat show and the tank has been treated to keep the fish diseases free.....
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[cool][#0000ff]That was just my guess. No offense.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Could be a case of nobody wanting to make a decision, just to avoid making a bad decision. I feel your pain. [/#0000ff]
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Sorry Tubie...but it is a big meanie issue.
I talked with Cabela's and was told they spent hours on the phone yesterday trying to get permission to transport the fish to their aquarium. It would be from aquarium to no possibility of disease entering Utah waters...
I talked with Drew today...and he said it was a technicality in the law...about certified waters. I pointed out this was aquarium to aquarium, but that didn't seem to matter. I got the standard bureuacratic jibberish.
Sorry offense meant, but there's no logic in your answers to me today.
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[cool][#0000ff]Well then, rather than letting them go to waste...let them go to waist. You kill 'em and bring 'em over and I'll fillet and fry 'em.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nice try.[/#0000ff]
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So if it a technicality in the lay, why is it I can buy fish at the pet store and transport them to my aquarium and Cabela can't put the fish from the boat show in theirs?
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Because you aren't purchasing Utah game fish at the pet store.
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Well Kent at keast thats the way it's supposed to be. I bought a baby cat a few years ago (wont mention the store). You know the algae eating kind. After about 3 months it was getting really big! A month later it started eating the smaller fish in the tank. Any guess what part of the Florida it came from. Turned out to be a Blue Cat. Seems they were real popular a few years back by aquacultruist (sp). Easy to breed and even easier to sell to pet stores. But man can they reak havoc on an aquarium. He ended up having his own tank for a time.
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I for one would like to hear the DWR's explanation on this one before getting out my pitchfork and lighting up my torch.
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Last exhibit at the boat show: 14 ways to fry a bass.
I think it is incredibly idiotic that the DWR will not let cabela's put the fish in their aquarium. There is no good reason not to allow this.
But it is the job of the DWR to keep our state's wildlife healthy. To accomplish this they have made policies/laws. For the most part, these polices make sense but sometimes they seem stupid in a particular situation.
It is a lot easier and simpler not to make any exceptions to the rules even if no harm would be done.
Why make a stink when you can make fish for dinner?
P.S. How painful would the fine be if caught smuggling these fish to a private pond?
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[red][size 3]With that information out there, could they hand a little guy a worm on a stick and let him try his luck on the last day? I think those attending would certainly enjoy it and there wouldn't be a bunch of fish to kill after it was over. Are there any regulations that would prohibit that? [/size][/red]
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I replied on another site to just start netting them 2 hours before the show is over and hand them out to passing kids. Shame they cannot be saved THIS YEAR. More planning next year will hopefully prevent this from happening again. If not maybe the fishing ponds should be discontinued. That would be a shame too.
No good answer.