02-11-2006, 02:31 AM
I fished American Falls today from 2:15pm to 4:30 pm. I was at the same place I fished last Friday. It was windy (16-28mph at Pocatello Airport) which made it very cold [
]. The wind coming off the open water made me cold enough that I kept my gloves on most of the time (I haven't kept gloves on while fishing since I ice fished Island Park Res in 2004). I heard that it might be -1 tonight. I know that I won't be going fishing before sunrise tomorrow if there is any wind (I don't have a shelter). There is some open water about a mile from the dam. From what I could see the open water started about 3-4? miles from the dam. The ice in my holes was at least 5" and maybe 6" but I didn't measure it.
Fishing was rather slow. I only had 5 bites (may have had some that I didn’t see in the stiff wind). I iced 3 rainbows that were 17"-18.5". My friend caught one that measured just short of 20". I gave one to the other guys next to us (flygoddess, we released the rest[
]). It had about 5 minnows/skeletons that were about 2"-5". I caught one of my fish after putting the tail half of a minnow on a tube jig. I'm not sure if the minnow was superior to night crawlers but it did catch one fish.
I didn't notice the other guys next to us catch a fish while we were there but they said that they lost one that was too big to fit through the hole [shocked](they had an 8" auger).

Fishing was rather slow. I only had 5 bites (may have had some that I didn’t see in the stiff wind). I iced 3 rainbows that were 17"-18.5". My friend caught one that measured just short of 20". I gave one to the other guys next to us (flygoddess, we released the rest[

I didn't notice the other guys next to us catch a fish while we were there but they said that they lost one that was too big to fit through the hole [shocked](they had an 8" auger).