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bountiful pond
I live near Bountiful pond and have tried it a few times without succes and was wondering if anyone has any sugestions? In the Community fishing book it says that you are "likely" to catch everything from trout and bass to perch, walleye and white bass. I'm sure that they don't stock the pond with perch or eyes and I'm not sure about the bass anymore, so I was just wondering what there is in the pond worth tageting? I know that there are a good number of cats but it'll be a little while until they heat up. So any information dealing with the pond or technices on fishing it would be great. thanks for the help.
If your ever down there look for the kid on the jazz bike thats me! thanks
Ive fished there several times. I think its unlikely to "likely" catch ANYTHING! Ive seen a few bluegill and catfish cruising along the shoreline and actually seen 1 rainbow trout caught in the past 3 years. Perhaps someone else has had better success, but for me, Bountifull Pond is a place to go for a walk during lunch - not a place to fish.
Try around the island. There is some structure and gravel that was put there for the fish.
They stock plenty of planter trout through most of the year. I've caught catfish and bass, but rarely from shore. I take my pontoon out around the island. It's the only spot I've found with any depth or structure.
Man! B.P. is an awesome place to fish when the temps start to rise. I have fished there numerous times and had a blast all but a couple times when they hadn's stocked it and caught all kinds of fish and a duck. Yes i said a duck! My friend and i were fishing for kitties with(ok here it goes.................... hot dogs!!!!!) and a tame mallard took it all the way down. A 1/0 treble hook, poor guy. Anyway, chicken liver also works very well. Another option is the white bass. We were using yellow rapala chug bugs right in front of the parking lot and catching 2+ pound white bass. We have also caught brood stock rainbows and albinos with trout magnets and silver blue fox spinners. I am going to be heading dow in a month or so. look for me in a small camo alum. boat and alot of fish being caught. LOL hope this helps.
Quote:Ive fished there several times. I think its unlikely to "likely" catch ANYTHING! Ive seen a few bluegill and catfish cruising along the shoreline and actually seen 1 rainbow trout caught in the past 3 years. Perhaps someone else has had better success, but for me, Bountifull Pond is a place to go for a walk during lunch - not a place to fish.
That is a damn lie! If you can't catch fish at that pond, you need to be a student in my class I teach down there in the spring. I have fished there for the past 12 years, BEFORE all of the improvements and fish stocking. Just in the past month, I have caught AT LEAST 30 trout there. Try using spinners (silver blue fox), gold "lil jakes", and wet flies off of the east pier. The west side is pretty shallow and muddy, it holds good numbers of cats in the summer. The deepest spot is about 14 ft, right between the islands. If you ever want to fish down there (and catch fish), give me a call. 801-671-7754. I'm down there most every evening. [/reply]
Any size to the trout you have caught?
Hey Cole I live in NSL, and plan on hitting Bountiful Lake after work in the evening from my Porta-bote, when the days get a little longer. Perhaps we could get together and you could teach me the ropes down there.
Yeah kent, I'd love to fish with you... Just give me a call. And as far as the trout size question, most of them I catch are only in the 9"-14" range, but they sure are fun to catch. The cats down there get pretty big, I caught one last year that was 27", and we regularly catch them close to 20". Late May and early June are the best times (in my opinion).
Moby catching fish.........??? hahaha.. right! good one! Hehehe... jk I have fished bountiful pond a few times, since I live like 5 min away. I have caught plenty of trout, and white bass out of there. I have also caught a few cats, and lmbass. I have also caught one small walleye. The best place I have had success is fishing the outlet of the pond. The only prob I have with this pond is the smell. It's right next to the dump. But if you do go fishing moby give me a call.

Rabid Fisher
[font "Palatino Linotype"][#ff0000][size 4]Bountiful pond is a good place to go if you cant go to a bigger lake. I live close to the pond and it gives some great action in between bigger trips.I like catching the carp there . they can get pretty big in there. And if you ever go to sportsmans wharehouse you will see a pic of a black bass that was pulled from the pond on the picture wall as you leave the store. Wish it was me that had caught it. [/size][/#ff0000][/font]
I've seen that pic. It looks like a 17'' bass, but it's to bad the idiot kept it. That fish was a nice mature spawner that could have contributed to the reproduction of many other bass for future years. I love fishing small ponds with my tube, but it seems that everyone else who fishes them has to keep everything they catch.

Here is a post I made on the DWR's community fishing board regarding Salem pond, but I think it applies to all small pond's with bass.

I have a suggestion for salem pond along with the rest of the community ponds. Bass seem to do well in these low elevation WARM WATER ponds, but the problem is over harvest. The DWR doesn't not plant bass in these ponds and so the bass population relies soley on the reproduction of bass. With all the mature bass being harvested that doesn't leave much room for reproduction. Salem has excellent structure and warm water to support a good bass population and once did. With the increased popularity in the community fisheries the bass populations just can't handle the increased harvest.

I think people would rather go to a pond and be able to at least catch some of these awsome fish, and be forced to release them, than to have never been able to catch them. I for one enjoy fishing small ponds from my tube, but find every year the fishing quality suffering more and more.

I beleive if we regulated the harvest of MATURE bass, we could turn these ponds into some awsome bass fisheries in our back yard that could support numerous three pound plus fish.

I urge all who fish the community ponds to release all mature bass (fish over 12 inches) caught for the future of these wonderful fisheries. Take pictures of these trophies for future enjoyment and bragging rights. Like they say, a picture last longer.

Here's a pic of a nice bass my cousin caught from Willow pond that was released.
Yes, in fact I think they should extend it even more, and say all bass are catch and release only in the community ponds, or perhaps you can keep one bass under 12 inches and all the rest go back. Leave it so you can keep the planters (rainbows and catfish), because that's what they are there for. And keep it so they can keep the bluegill and sunfish too. They are prolific enough to support the pressure.

[url ""]Click Here[/url] for more info about Bountiful Pond (and the other "Urban Ponds" in the state).
i fished bountiful pond a lot in the previous 2 years. I've caught bows, bass, white bass, carp and catfish. Carp provided the most fun.
I would go down to the pond..5-7 minutes away after work and throw out some dough-balls on a small hook with no weight and relax and enjoy the sunset. My best last year was a 32" 18 lber..
I think i had as much fun there as i did anywhere else i fished....though i would have rather had run up to willard...but with the cost of gas...i could not afford the willard trip that often.
Because (guessing here) of the shut down hatcheries, the bows were not planted as often..and they were few and far between. That place recieves a HUGE amount of pressure, especially on the weekends. If your a mornin type of person and get there before's a beautiful place to watch the sunrise over the mountains.

Moby catching fish.........??? hahaha.. right! good one! Hehehe...
Rabid Fisher [/reply]
You wanna die Dallan? I swear...I'll roundhouse kick you so hard you'll turn into a woman....wait, you already are one! HA HA HA
thanks for all of the help. unfortunatly I won't be able to fish it from a boat or a tube just the shore since I'll be riding my bike down there but it sounds like I should still do allright. They should be stocking it with planter bows a week from monday and I'll have to get out and try it. This early in year willthose trout be the only option, because of water temperature? I wouldn't guese that bass or catfish would pick up for another month at least. Also for the trout are traditional technices the way to go? I love fishing the fly and bubble but I don't know if it would work with the water being SO DIRTY down there, what would be the best bet? I'll probably end up going to the old reliable - powerbait. thanks again for the help and hope to see some of you down there sometime this year.
Use the bobber with a wet fly like a woolly bugger or a prince nymph about 5' below the bobber. Also try using smelly jelly or other scent attractent on the flies. This works as good as power bait, but you will hook the fish in the mouth making releases much easier. After you cast the fly, use a slow retrieve with a twitching of your pole. This gives life to your fly.
[cool]I have taken scouts to Bountiful lake and pounded the bluegill there. I am going to have to go there again soon to see the other fish that are there as well.

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