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A Lot of Paradise
Oh God nooooooo...Yep it is .It's 5.00 in the morning .The alarm buzzs constantly until I give my husband a big kick ,"get up you wanted to go this early "<br>We both drag ourselves out of bed and start to get the coffee happening .Give the kids a hoy .<br>Why I ask are kids so bubbily in the morning when i feel like i have cotton wool in my eyes even after a big swig of coffee?mmmm yep there even arguing about stuff in the morning .Too early I groan .<br>Hubby is hooking the boat up to the back of the car .I open up the front sliding door on the verhanda......the water is flat ,not a puff of wind .OH OUCH there ya go see sandflies are awake early today .<br>Well we get down to the ramp unload all eskies kids and our pooch on to the boat and off we go .<br>We are out near the leeds ...pooch decides to jump out .(God did he get a shock when he couldn't touch the bottom.)<br>Nearly to the edge of the jetty ,husband has a sinking feeling (not literally)in the stomach ...ummm I left the bait in the front of the car ...err umm.<br>OK so we go back and get it.<br>After all that we head off to the big Island near our shores .Throw the line in nibble nibble .Check out the reef .Look for another bombie to fish from .Water is so crystal clear.This is paradise .This is special we are all together fishing having a competition who can catch the smallest fish .(Thats all we are catching)<br>It dosen't matter it's so quiet out here.Kids curl up for a sleep .Hubbie has the fishing fever .Just one more just one more .I really don't feel like lunch now hands are too smelly from the bait .(Hubbie dosen't worry about that )<br>Hey I got A Hoooge bite I yell.<br>Agggghh help .<br>No No I got it .<br>Well then who got the biggest ond only fish then huh !<br>A big beautiful coral trout .<br>ME!<br>Everyone is jealous i make sure i skite about it all the way home .<br>Winds starting to come up a bit better get a move on .Notice that I'm sunburnt and my skin is all salty.(can't wait for a shower)<br>Wait our turn in line at the ramp...seems the whole town has gone fishing today .Some were lucky others were not .I was .<br>Pull up in the driveway wash the boat .Have the best shower ever .<br>Have a great tea fresh coral trout and salad .<br>I love our fishing spot its almost endless to us .<br>Peace tranquility and prettiness.<br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com

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