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Lindon Boat Harbor
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]Went to Lindon Boat Harbor with Fenwick and my uncle at around 8 pm. Was only out there for about an hour. I caught a big ole mama cat, and fenwick and my uncle each had a walleye on but lost them both.[Sad] It was cold and the water was very murky. We were all throwing plastics, and the mamma cat slammed mine, and I thought for a minute I had a big eye on. It was fun, and a good fix to the fishin fever.[/#ff4040][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040][/#ff4040][/font]
Nice bro ... where were you fishing? Inside or outside of the harbor?
[cool][#0000ff]Ya can't beat fun. Glad you got to bend your stick and stretch your string.[/#0000ff]
That is a very nice kitty! I'll bet she put up quite the tussle!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]I was actually fishing inside/outside the harbor. It was in the little channel that goes out to the lake from the harbor. [/#ff4040][/font]
nice kitty. got to get me some of those.
Nice Fish!
i went out yesterday it was so nice out could of came with...i caught 7 white bass and 1 walleye..and jamie was catching lots of mudcats with worms
Wondering if you all good give me some info on Lindon boat harbor. How much does it cost to get in, etiquitte, etc. I live nearby and would like a different alternative to fishing the Provo. Thanks!
[font "Baskerville Old Face"][#ff4040]I would have went, but I had to go do my grocery shopping after I came back from Stansbury. Then I cooked dinner for the whole family. Next time we will go.[/#ff4040][/font]
LBH is a pretty sweet harbor. Privately owned ... 6 bones to get in and they have paved all the way out on the dike. The walleye are starting to run and I was out yesterday and caught 3 LMB. The water si reall starting to warm.
Leave no trace and you will have a ball.

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