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DWR and their website
I have tried to go online today to see how myself and my party did on hunt draws and of course the DWR cant supply a website today!!! What a day to choose too. You think with the money they make of us hunter and fishermen, they could keep a sustained website.
i just looked at the draw results page. it took along time to come up
but it did.
They are getting hammered because everyone wants to see the draw results. It will settle back down.
Maybe PETA is doing a denial-of-service attack on them so that noone can find out their draw results! [crazy]
I would like to tell you guys what peta really stands for. We are all part of peta
So hell yea Go P.E.T.A.
I just love thoes tasty animales.
[mad]In our case getting on site didn't help anyway as they didn't post the premium elk hunts or the youth elk hunt. Thanks DWR.
Just so everyone knows, if you apply on line you get an auto response telling you if your were successful or not. You do have to use a credit or debit card but it sure makes it nice to know a little earlier.[Wink]
Just so you all know for next year, the fish and game actually charge your credit card days before the results come out! Next year just start checking your online bank statements and you can tell if you drew out. No luck for me....only a deer tag....there is always Idaho!


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