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New fishing invention: Automatic hook setter
My wife's ex father-in-law invented a very simple and easy to use hook setter that works with most poles. If you're interested, you can find more information at or They are available for sale on eBay for $4.95 + $2.00 S&H or online at for $4.95 + $1.50 S&H.

I'd be interested in any comments you may have regarding this product. He's actively pursuing a national retailer for the fishAmatic and has had positive response from the local fishing community to whom he has sold.

You can email your questions to

a quick tidbit of information for your wife's ex-father-in-law to consider...

A quick google search indicates that there are several patents already in existence for similar (if not the same) "automatic hook setter" devices.

This patent refers to similar patents from 1983, 1980, 1977, 1976 and 1972. [url ""][/url]

The 1976 patent refers to patents from 1975, 1964, 1957, 1956, 1953 and 1904 [url ""][/url]

So, this idea was patented over 100 years ago...
I'm certainly no expert on patents, but I believe everything else out there is significantly different. There are many devices available that provide a hook setting motion which is triggered by a fish biting. I have not yet found one which operates in the same way as the fishAmatic. Although it's not a new idea, this is the simplest, most versitile and economical solution I've been able to find. If you find otherwise let me know. I'd be interested to see the competition for this product.

Thanks for your comments

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