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Sorry for such a late report. When I got home on sat I was beat to death. Then sunday my internet connection at home was down. anyways.
Fished willard with my good buddy Ryan. The day started off real slow. One wiper by noon but it did tell me what they wanted. After that we kept nailing them pretty constent for around hour and a half. Then some power boater disided he wanted two of our 3 rods lines for himself. I was useing braided line and by the time i had a knife ready to cut it the had been spolled out. [mad] I was trolling at 2.3 to 2.7 mph and what seemed to work the best was liped crank baits. We ended up with 5 wipers and 2 walleye and several hit and misses. Largest Wiper was a fat 21 incher largest walley was fat also at 20 inches. Was a nice day till I got double spolled.
Recommend that you not try and cut the line....set the hook.... twice.. as hard as normal.

Is there a 150 foot boat distance rule at Willard?
I do know about the distance rule at willard. I would have tracked the guy down But my boat is not in any way running right at all. I can't figure out what is wrong either.I really need to figure it out too before the tourny.
[Smile] I'm with FishWisconsin i know that if you land a 3/4 ounce egg sinker or a big treble hook upside there head they will think twice about running over your line or anyone else the next time your on the water. i don't mind water skiers or waverunners but i really makes a fishermen or women mad when you are all by yourself on the water and someone decides to come right by you and around and around you when you are fishing. a lot of those speed boats come by i think to show off how fast they can go. but to a guy fishin who cares. i think i'm going to invent something to automatically kills the engine on those that come to close to a fisherman and then when this happens the motor won't start up until the next weekend. [cool] i have been at willard fishin on a calm day and there were'nt to many on the people and here comes the water skiers right by me when they have the rest of the lake to use. trfishin
[mad] There is a 150 foot rule on all Utah waters of a wakeless speed only. But he only ones that really adhere to it are us fisherman. I have complained to the Park Rangers and given them hull numbers but I don't think anything goes any farther than that.. I've often thought of getting a paint ball gun and freezing the balls and see if that might keep them away. I luv bird hunting, I just wonder how far a guy would have to lead them....[crazy]

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