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after harassing Lunkerhunter2 about catching the cats on willard i asked him to join me out there to chase them. so this morning we headed out to his secret spot and within 30 sec of him getting his bait in the water he had one on. about 2lbs, he had 2 in the boat before i even had my line in the water. after some coaching i have my first 2lber in the boat. on the next cast my line sat still for a bit then bam a nice 8lber on faught like a bear. i ended up with 5 and i think LH2 ended with 10 or so. went out on the bay trolling for a bit for wipers or walleye and never even got a bite
[inline "here kittie kittie.jpg"]
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WOW A 8LBER OUT OF WILLARD!!! It has been along time sence I have heard any good sized ones coming out of there. Great job and thanks for the report Jason.
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Sounds like a great trip Jason! Thanks for the report.
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[cool]Nice job, guys! Sounds like 'ol lunkerhunter knows the tiny area where the big ones hang out, 'cause he is the only one I know who gets big ones outta there anymore.
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I'm going to have to give that a try, great report. This is the first year for a long time since anyone was catching any decent size cats from Willard. Either that or no one wanted to talk about it. How long was the 8 lber?
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You guys need to ask lunkerhunter2 about the 10 pounder that he pulled out of there earlier this year. I saw the pictures after the kitty floatilla at Lincoln.
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Good fish...
I fished most all day on May 23rd. Tried everything, but got skunked again. I even tried to catch a kitty, but no luck. What did you guys use for bait? All I had was PowerBait for Cats.
I did see one boat catch several wipers. We both were trolling planer boards so did not get close enough to find out what they were using.
I did get two bites in the north marinia. Hung something that really pulled good, but lost him.
Well, there is always (hopefully) another day.
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hot dogs where the ticket
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Jason even baited his own hook after i showed him the first time! I am so proud of him![sly][sly][sly][sly]
Just kidding, he was fun to fish with today. There are still some big cats out there. You just have to find them, and have some polish sausages. Lol! No kidding, that's what we used.
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Nice catching guys.
How long was the 8 pounder?
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just a guess but id say atleast 24inches
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Not a bad cat fish. I guess the willard cats are making a come back.
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Curt, I thought if we both put a little pressure on him he would give up the information.[laugh].
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[cool][#0000ff]Don't feel bad Curt. In consideration of knowing that the spot is small and can not stand a lot of traffic, I PMed Petty with a request for info on "WHERE DID YOU CATCH THEM?" I thought we were friends, but he replied "In the mouth". When I sent a more strongly worded PM, he elaborated "On a hook."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At least he has changed his bait from rainbow sparkle Powerbait to hot dogs. With or without mustard?[/#0000ff]