05-29-2006, 10:47 PM
Headed up to the nell again, we started fishing at around 7:00 a.m. It was COLD this morning, 26 degrees to be exact.[angelic] The water temp has dropped 10 degrees in 1 week! The warmest the water got was 55 degrees. We did all right my uncle caught 4, 2 browns and 2 rainbows. I caught 6, 2 browns, 2 rainbows and 2 smallies. They were all nice fish. We had several other hits that we didn't hook up on. I think the cold front put the fish on hold. Hopefully by next weekend things will warm up again! We only took one pic of a brown that I caught, it was a real nice fish. We left the lake at 1:00. All of the fish were released to grow bigger![
