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Catfishing 7-2
I normally don't go out during the weekend of the fourth but thought that I'd take a chance and go down catfishing at the big Utah county community pond. (Utah Lake). Anyway, I got there about seven thirtyish, set up my NEW FishCat4 tube and kicked out away from shore. I kicked down to some close cattails and worked my bait there for a few minutes with no takers. Then I decided today I would kick south along the shore instead of going north like I usually do. I trolled along, avoiding ducks and grebes until I got to the first big clump of cattails. Sure enough, as soon as the bobber splashed down by the green, it sank right under. FISH ON!!! Turned out to be a pretty spirited mama kitty. I'm sure that my apron measurements are off but she draped across the whole thing so she was a nice fish. I kept kicking around that clump of cattails and wound up picking up about four from those weeds and the immediate surrounding areas. I kept kicking down the shore, enjoying my new higher riding tube and basking in the sun. I was fishing only cut carp meat and was doing quite well. Most of the fish were good solid 2-4 pounders with a couple bruisers thrown in for bursts of excitement. I wound up catching about 14 cats on the day with only two that went 6 pounds or so. I kicked down to some spots that had held fish for me before and found that since I haven't been able to wade down there in a year or so, the landscape has totally changed since my last visit. Where willows used to hold fish right on the weedline, there is now a shallow bay with stickups just about everywhere. I only caught a couple fish out of what used to be a honeyhole for me. Again on Sunday, the fish mainly came from around cattails or severe cuts back into the tules but they were right close to the weedline. There were grebes everywhere and it was hard to fish a spot without having one or two diving around my bobber. One silly bird actually grabbed my bait I think and swam off with it because when I set the hook, my line swam off and then the bobber came up with a grebe right next to it. Fortunately for both of us, it wasn't hooked. Anyway, I also caught what I think was a gorgous male channel that was the color of wet sand with the golden green color showing through in only a few spots.... for some reason, it was just a really pretty cat to me.... I know most people think they're ugly. He had some nice speckled gray colors all up and down his sides so he was pretty neat looking. All the cats I caught were nice and firm, healthy fish. A couple of them had been eating well apparently, judging by their little potbellied appearance. Anyway, it was an awesome trip, I got really sunburned (especially on my knees where they stuck out from under the apron) and I caught quite a few cats. The weather cooperated and I'm pretty confident in my new tubes ability to ride out waves after getting repeatedly buzzed by jackalopes on Jetskis..... Ah Dude, if only I was as good a shot as you with a slingshot. LOL. [cool] People are such idiots. Here's some pics of the day.

Early morning swell
[Image: 100_0991.jpg]

First Kitty
[Image: 100_0993.jpg]

More small kitties
[Image: 100_0995.jpg]

[Image: 100_0996.jpg]

[Image: 100_0997.jpg]

[Image: 100_0998.jpg]

Big cat
[Image: 100_0999.jpg]
Here's some more pics... didn't know if there was a limit on the # of pictures you could put in posts.

Here Kitty Kitty
[Image: 100_1001.jpg]

[Image: 100_1003.jpg]

[Image: 100_1006.jpg]

Where the fish were at (generally)
[Image: 100_1007.jpg]

[Image: 100_1009.jpg]

Last Cats
[Image: 100_1011.jpg]

[Image: 100_1012.jpg]

[Image: 100_1013.jpg]

Hope you guys liked the pictures... sorry I was a slacker in getting them posted up. [unimpressed] Unfortunately, I didn't get any real pictures of the new tube.... I spose I have to get it all tricked out before I post up pictures... Mostly just going to add a rod holder I think.... I love the back seat storage area.... its perfect for a little ice chest that I made good use of that day.
Sounds like a great outing, thanks for sharing. Looks like a place that I need to explore in my baby boat.
Great post and great pictures! I also have the FC4 and I LOVE mine!

[cool]Great report, riverrat77! But, am I just blind, or are there absolutely no pics attached under the captions??? Maybe it's because I'm at work, so my software here won't let me see them? I usually don't have that problem though...
It took a few minutes for all the pictures to upload on my dail up connection but they did come up on my puter.
Riverrat77- Nice report, thanks for sharing. Looks like a big lake, any idea how deep it is? WH2
Well, let's see, what humorous thing to say. Huuuuuum, not much of a humorous guy, huh? Let's start by saying the "someones" [Wink] camera is working good, can't say much about the operator though. [Wink] Question - was it at your spot that you showed me (being exceptionally kind to an elder) or Tube's? Gather it was your spot. Sure wish I could fish there with Sparky, oh well, life ain't perfect.[Sad] Also, no wonder when I went there latter that it was kind of slow Hey, I'm not that bad. I guess I need to do a little hard work and find a spot of my own, Huh? [crazy] Well, on the serious side, you're contending for the all time champ of kittie fishing.[shocked] Do they cook as well as The Dude's contention goes for ya or is it my weak ability to follow instructions. Just can't seem to get em firm as I like, but they are danged gooooood!
Yeah Leaky, it was at that spot that I showed you, only headed south along that weedline instead of north like we did. I wish it was easier for ol Spark too... he's good company and its a shame he can't get into more spots out there. The camera worked well, but I need to tow Wendy with me in her tube so we get some more definite "I caught all those fish" shots. [Wink] I don't know if I told you, she sprung for matching FishCats?? She hasn't used hers yet but I need to get her out in it.... those fish are almost as big as she is... can you imagine the fun she'd have trying to subdue one of those critters?? Anyway, about the cooking... all those fish were released to get bigger and or better. I thought about taking a small one home for me but thought better of it... too much work for me with a dull knife. I need to get an electric job to speed up the process. Still need to go prospect around Lincoln and see which of the three shores I prefer.... I would like to go hit the Knolls again sometime midweek to see your spot you found or hit the Dude's spot again for the kitties.... That was a great day when we went. We'll have to set something up.... then, two months till the duckies start in again.... come on October!!![cool]

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