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Hello Fellow Big Fishers!
I just saw a new lure on the market at Bass Pro Shop called the "Top Prop" by Mister Twister. The concept looks cool but I haven't tried it yet to find out if it works like the video says it does. Have any of you tried it and if so, what do you think?
Let me know what new lures you've tried recently and if they are all that they're cracked up to be!
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I saw that lure at Bass Pro Shops yesterday. I would like to get some feedback on this also. Looks interesting.
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got a new bait (just released) from one of my sponsors called the Slop's a top water bait that I've cast into some of the nastiest slop and pads I could find and it never got hung up, well, except for the 4 pound bass and 35" pike I caught on it the first time I tried it.
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Interesting lure Jen.I don't think I'd try it myself and I do try alot of weird things.[crazy] Would be interesting to see if anyone has had success.
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Hi gdn443!
I'm interested in why you wouldn't try it. Come on...didn't you watch the informative video that included positive feedback from numerous non-biased fisherman and completely independent studies that all proved the lure would catch a bass with every cast? LOL
No really, I am interested in why you wouldn't try it. Let me know!
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Hey Fishaholic!
Great name by the way... I love it!
The Slop Rodent huh? I have to tell you that some pretty weird images of this lure are coming to mind right now! Do they have a website that I can see one on???
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aw come on gregg,you would try it,you know you would! hell, i would give it a shot,cant be any worse than my bud light beer can lure,or my frog that you tie off to a string,when it hits the water the legs go back and forth untill the string recoils back int the frog,it just like the kids toy where you pull the string and it walks across the table,oh by the way i have caught fish on both of those stupid lures lol
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Well I do have my Bart Simpson lure, but I haven't thrown it yet. [Saveing it for the grandkids.] First off Jen I don't believe any infomercials. You can get bass with a bottle cap if you want, but it won't be my go to lure. To me it's a mutant of a crankbait,spinnerbait and a creature bait. Do you slow roll it? Do you let it sink like any plastic? Do you burn it? No lure can be that versatile. Sure you will get some bass on it some where, but I won't be running to buy it. Some how I would get weed to stick on those propellers or the weighted hook. I didn't see replacement on the plastic, so what happens after a couple of hits? Do you have to buy their plastic to replace. Tell'em to send you a sample and you'll talk them up on the circuit.
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LMAO[laugh] You've got the old bud light lure too? LOL, i've got the popper, is that what you have?
I actually used it one time and caught a mudfish on it.[cool]
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no, i have the crankbait,i didnt know they came out with the popper. lol
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Ah, come just shattered my perfect dream world where everything is rainbows, puffy clouds and cute little buterflies! So, I gather that what you're telling me is that I should stop payment on the four part Banjo Minnow System that's coming to me express mail! LOL
I totally understand where you're coming from. Some of your concerns were the same that prevented me from actually purchasing it. I like your idea of asking for a they do that?
Post a picture of you and your Bart Simpson lure!!! That's just way too funny.
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Mud fish huh? Are those the really ungly catfish that have a head like a pit bull and a brown/tan body?
Hey...I know this is a tad off topic but I was wondering how long it takes to graduate from the shiner icon? While I am a bit partial to it now, I'd like a bigger fish. I think I saw the rules somewhere on this site but I can't find them now.
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[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][size 1]0 => Greenhorn
5 => Bait
25 => Shiner
50 => Brookie
100 => WeakFish
200 => Perch
300 => Rainbow Trout
400 => Calico Bass
500 => Walleye
750 => Barracuda
1000 => Large Mouth Bass
1250 => White Sea Bass
1500 => Alaskan Salmon
1750 => Striper Bass
2000 => Chain Pickeral
2500 => Yellowtail
3000 => Northern Pike
3500 => Dorado
4000 => Sturgeon
4500 => Tuna
5000 => Channel Catfish
5500 => Swordfish
6000 => Aligator Gar
7000 => Marlin
8000 => Sturgeon
10000 => Shark
10000 + => Is still in the works and were talking about having great prizes for users (and moderators) who reach this. [/size][/size][/black][/font][/size][/black][/font]
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Looks like 975 more to go and you'll get your Bass.[  ]
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Mudfish, aka Bowfin...a prehistoric looking fish that's one of the great freshwater fighters...I love 'em! Next to bass, they're my favorite.
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It takes time to graduate from one fish to another. If I wasn't such an informative blabbermouth, I never would have made it to the Shark.
Just give it time.[cool]
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Thank you guys for the info!
I went to the DFW airport yesterday to pick up my family from Japan and passed by the Bass Pro Shop. I made a u-ey at the airport and thought I could spare a few minutes before picking them up!
I bought a Lucky Craft Live Pointer and am going to try it out tomorrow early evening. Have you all tried this? It's pretty new so I was just wanting some feedback on the action.
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I've gotten fish on that lure in VT more so than CT. Good lure for the box.
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Hiya Jen! Next time I fly into DFW, will ya pick me up and take me to Paris or Tyler (whichever is my final destination at the time)? Thanks! You're awesome!
I've got one of them Mister Twister Top Props. I tell ya what, it's not as weedless as they claim. I got gunk tangled up between the wire arm and the prop. Haven't caught anything on it yet either. Then again, after my first experience, I haven't been crazy about using it. It did work well in the pads though. Heh, never have caught a bass out of that particular patch, ever... but I have seen them cruising the edges.
Now that I've got me a boat that runs and floats, I'll hafta pull that Top Prop out and try it again. And I might as well try that Buzz Frog while I'm at it.
Hey, any chance we can go fishin' together next time I'm in Texas? Now that would be awesome!
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Hey DDR!
Thanks for the info on the Top Prop. There aren't many pads on Lake Dardanelle so I think I've decided to forego my Top Prop purchase after reading your post.
The buzz frog??? What's that?
I'm always up for a fishing trip. When you're down this way post a message for me on my site [url ""][/url] and let me know when you'll be here!