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Long Pond, Willsboro, NY
Does anyone have any info on fishing Long Pond near Willsboro, NY?
A Big Welcome to you dfortyo !!!! So far I don't have an answer for you about Long Pond but I have put the question out there and as soon as I get something I'll pass it on to you. What other lake do you fish? We're always looking for new input. I fish as much of the state as the gas jprices will let me. Chief
Thanks for the reply. I joined but can't figure out how to put a post on the bulletin board. Can you give me some insight on how to do it?
Long Pond is stocked annually with a good number of brook and brown trout, so you shouldn't have a very hard time getting trout, i think there are also bullhead, white sucker, and sunfish in the also. If i remember correctly there are no motors allowed on the lake.

If you're still looking for info on the lake, i hope this will help you out.

I think you are talking about Long Pond Lake not Long Pond. From what I gather there are no trout in Long Pond but a good supply of LM & SM Bass and Pike. I was looking for someone that has fished the Pond and could give me some insights on catching both species.
Trout were stocked in Long pond [Ticonderoga] and [North Elba] There are a number of long ponds across the state.
The Long Pond that I'm inquiring about is just northwest of Willsboro, NY. Due east of Lake Champlain. In Essex County.
Both of these Long Ponds are in Essex county. Chief

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