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Mazatlan Mexico Saltwater report
Fishing Report
April/May 2006
For those who has fished in Mazatlan for more than 3 times, should know
by now that Fishing here is full of surprises.
Mazatlan is rich on variety of inshore and offshore fish. Around this
time of the year it is possible to catch a Blue Marlin while trolling
for Dorados few miles from the port also plenty of Sailfish has been
caught lately as Dorado season is peaking up.
Bait fish (sardine) has been hitting the beaches of Mazatlan making the
fishing really exciting as you troll along the beach where you can
catch a 10 or 20 pounds Rooster fish, they are one of the best inshore
fishes in the world also as trolling along the coast right by few feet
under reefs where a great variety of rock fish awaits such as Snapper,
Grouper and Trigger fish.
It takes some skills to fish this way but it is the best way to fish
inshore with Lurs and Live Bait (Mullet).
So if you are looking for excitement come to Mazatlan and Let´s Go

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