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The other white meat!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][green][size 3]This subject comes up all the time on other forums, and it is interesting the takes on it.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][green][size 3]In fact my ol' man was banned from anothere forum for asking the Moderater why he felt so strongly against this species.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][green][size 3][#ff0000]CARP![/#ff0000] how do you people feel about carp as a game fish? What is your take on the matter?[/size][/green][/font]
We fish for the fun, the outdoors, the hunt, the frustration, seeing the take, and felling the pull on the line.

Carp fishing sounds like an other thing to fish for. With the over crowding that is happening on the streams and lakes it just seems like another outlet for having fun. One of these days I will get around to it.

It does bug me when some fisherman leaves one rotting on the bank. Throw the darn thing away if you are not going to release it.

I have not heard of anyone eating them but I know that they used to be considered a delicasy in Europe and is still a sought after fish in the Orient. It just does not sound appitizing to me.
It does sound fun doesn't it. A friend of mine Lance Egan fishes for them all the time. They are not an easy fish to hook.
The thing that get's me, is the people that think they are dirty bottom dwellers, they are not.
I hate the carcus'es on the shore also. Attracts bugs and boy do they stink (almost as bad a used diapers which are generally in the same are as those carcus if you know what I mean)
I caught a 32" once on a 4wt (needless to say, I lost him) Got him up to the rocks ready to net, but had no net, so he wiggled and broke the line. What a rush!
I am sorry. I have never fished for carp intentionally but I have caught several unintentionally and was very dissapointed. Though they were big and pulled hard they seemed to fight like a log. I have not enjoyed catching one enough to ever make up for their extreme ugliness. Now if you want to talk about whitefish then that is a different story. I enjoy catching trout, whitefish, bass, crappy, stripers, even perch but not carp and not suckers.

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