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BullFrog Report
We spent saturday till tuesday at Bullfrog and had the best trip ever. On Sunday morning we boated 35 stripers in an hour and a half. We were useing anchjovies I used about a 3/8 oz. jig head with about a 1/3 anchovie at around 40-60 feet wy wife and friend used anchovies also but rigged a little different useinf a #2 hook and a couple split shot. They all produced about the same. Sunday we returned to the same spot ( mile marker 99A) And boated over 50 fish useing the same set up in an hour and 10 minutes. We had lots of doubles and tripples and even all four hooked up a couple times. Our net girl had her hands full.
In the ervenigs we would fish off the back of the house boat and catch cats and a few small 8-10 inch stripers.
Did not see a single boil which supprised me. Usually you see at least a couple this time of year.
One thing for sure I'm going to teach someone else how to use my electric filet knife. Thats a lot of work for one person.

You guys must have put the smack down on them! Thanks for the report. Any size to any of the stripers?
Most of them were in the 2-3 pound range. They put up a good fight too.


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