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Strawberry=sore fingers & tired shoulders
I hit Strawberry solo today from my pontoon. It started out somewhat slow with only 4 fish on flies. I switched to tube jigs on a spinning outfit later and found the hot spot. The day ended up being PHENOMENAL!! I didn't really keep count of numbers caught but suffice it to say, it was a bunch. Most fish took it in the drop in the bottom 10 feet of the water column. I caught fish in 20' to 50' deep water. Mostly slot cutts with five or six 2lb rainbows mixed in. Big fish of the day measured 24". I would estimate him at close to five pounds. All fish released to be caught again (by me through the ice!!)


Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

I had to laugh at these two fellows that came trolling by me. They commented that [#bf0000]"this @#$% lake had gone to the dogs. We used to catch buckets of rainbows up here, and now all we can get are these @#$% cutthroats that we can't even take home"[/#bf0000]

I geuss it all in your perspective. For me, I say hats off to Roger Wilson and the hard working biologist's that trumped "popular opinion" and put some effective regs in place up there. Kudo's guys!
[size 1]"I say hats off to Roger Wilson and the hard working biologist's that trumped "popular opinion" and put some effective regs in place up there. Kudo's guys!"[/size]
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[size 1]I agree.[/size]
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[size 1]Guys like that most likely kept buckets of rainbows and thats why they are harder to catch now days. Way to go on the release of the 24 incher and good job hooking the rainbows.[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Great report, I will try my luck tomorrow.[/size]
My brother-in-laws father made a similar comment this summer that it wasn't worth going fishing any more if you couldn't bring home a limit of fish.. I made the comment that it was that kind of attitude that has made strawberry what it is today. This really made him mad !! Maybe in another 5 or 10 years we will be able to harvest a few more fish, I rarely keep anything anyway. I plan on making it to the berry with my toon next week, hope I can find as good a spot
Nice report!

I agree 100%. It's the folks who keep bucket-loads of fish and don't give a rats @ss about the regs that ruin it for everyone else. Shame on them for not thinking about future generations.

Let's hope fishing stays around for a long, long time. After all, to all of us in here- it's probably our favorite hobby!

What does one do with "bucket loads of fish" anyway? Are they feeding third world countries?
take enough for dinner, if you need more, FISH AGAIN!!!

Gonna try my luck at strawberry tomorrow. Crap! I need to go to bed[Tongue]
Pretty tough to complain about a day like that! I think it is funny how people complain about consistantly catching fish in the 18-20" range....not many places you can do that on a regular basis. Oh well. Thanks for the report.
Sure would of been nice to of gotten an invite to your fish a thon- (J.K). I guess we will always have Willard and my miniture wiper, or was it a swiper.
Almost every time I go to strawberry I see somebody with a stringer full of fish. They are not trying to hide them so i figure that they don't know the rules. i,m suprised that they don't have big signs showing the special regulations and more fish cops enforcing them. I was there saturday also but we never found the hot spot. A lot of boats in strawberry bay but we only caught a few so we tried the ladders and the narrows and a few spots inbetween. If my wife keeps out fishing me she is going to have to bait her own hook. Ranger Dan
great report d-mack. hit the berry this morning but we didn't do as good as you did. the weather was fantastic. no w---.
Well why don't you call the poaching hotline and have them taught the regulations. Seeing a law being broken and doing nothing about it is as bad as breaking the same law.
1-800-662-deer or *deer from your cell. I use it alot, especially at the community ponds.
I guess I'm a criminal for not having cell phone service at strawberry.
Sorry if I came off harsh, YOU ARE NOT A CRIMINAL, but don't let lack of cell service prevent you from doing what you believe is right. (You do believe it is right to educate people of the regs. don't you?) Take a pic, write down a plate #, ask if anyone has Verision. I get cell service most everywhere on the berry, mostly only 2 bars but service.
Don't risk conflict with them unless you have ample back-up, at least 2 other fishers on your side.
Me, I'm into conflict, I would approach them and tell them straight up, "That is an illegal string of fish, you can either release them now or they will become evidence against you in court"
The people that I have seen didn't seem like the poaching type. (Grandpa with the grandkids) This is why I assumed that they Don't know the regulations. Yes they should read the proclamation but a sign would help to make people more aware that there are special regulations. All is good, Dan
There are signs every where at Strawberry. There is No excuse for illigal harvest! These people just don't care about the regulations. They know that they will not get caught and don't like the slot limit. In their eyes the regs are for someone else and as for them, they will take as many fish as they did before the regulations were changed.
I have heard people say this to each other in their boats.
The peoblem is that you can't see how many fish that they have in their boat or what size they are.
I won't call the law until I am sure of my charges and not just hearsay.
I have turned people in when I have proof to back my claims.
Didn't look like the poaching type? You said they had stringers of illegal fish. That's exactly what a poacher looks like.
Grampa, Grama, lumberjack, Yuppie in a Porche, if they have an illegal fish they look like poachers.
If your concerned then do something, even if it's to tell them what the regs are.
[size 1]
Quote:[size 1]Didn't look like the poaching type? You said they had stringers of illegal fish. That's exactly what a poacher looks like. [/size]

He never stated that they had stringers of illegal fish. Maybe they do know the regulations and just caught their limits of fish.[shocked]
Your right, he said stringers full of fish. He insinuated that there was something not according to regulations though.

This board is filled with some of the best anglers in UT. I don't see many reports of "stringers of fish" from them. Ranger must be seeing the fishers who are even better than us.
D-MACK sorry for hijacking your thread. Just to clarify. I seen a stringer full of fish from a distance. I don't know the size or the species. I just assumed that they couldn't be all legal but I really don't know. Out, Dan

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