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WI deer with long toe-nails
Check out these toe-nails

[inline P2_g_fea_JRblog_060919_1.jpg]
[inline P2_h_468x328_foundereddeer.jpg]
Looks like a mercy kill.[Wink] I do know some women here with nails that come close.
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3][Wink]Mercy kill for sure![/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3][/size][/#ff4040][/font]
hope they had the carin tested for PBB and PCP,

Michigan had that problem back in the late 60's to mid 70's. horible site, our cows even our farmers families came down with similar simptoms and worse....

the cause was a fire retardent material mixed with cattle feed, fed to cows producing milk cheese and buchered for table consumption. that was untill the conditions got so bad our governer millican could no longer deny or hold back or suppress the flooding news reports comming in from out of the contry and farmers dieing and their childern being born massivly deformed and in many cases still born. Cattle same simptoms as with the farmers. the mild cases shown that of overgrown toenails as with the deer in your photo.

Did you see the deer in Washington DC yesterday? aperently they dont have rights in that town. once they were spotted they were captured and suposedly released in the wild.

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