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Favorite Species To Ice Fish
Just a little poll because i have nothing better to do. [signature]
better here than on the streets this time of day.

I like crappie fish my self. personal favorite is gills.....
I really prefer trout. but don't mind a little perch fishing now and then.

Trout are my favorite target species. Kokes are my second favorite.
I cant believe i forgot trout. There arent many trout lakes around by me, since my only method of transportation is my mom or my bike. It sounds and looks like fun though.
[left]guess walleye would be my choice to pick from but i do enjoy the pan fish too [Wink] [/left] [center]

[size 1][url ""][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=19518;][/url][/size][/center] [center][size 1]Weather Forcast[/size][/center] [center][size 1]for[/size][/center] [center][size 1][black][size 2]Brainerd-Crow Wing County Regional, Minnesota[/size][/black][url ""][/url][/size][/center]
I added some of the other species caught though the ice, there are more I can add them later if some one wants them.

if any one wanted to vote on a species that was added just hollar I can add your vote for you.
This one made me think. (That hurts my head) I fish soft water almost exclusively for trout, but for ice fishing I usually target perch, and enjoy trout as an extra bonus.

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