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Does anyone else think that it is really weird that in the search for the two missing boaters on Strawberry Reservoir that they have not even found the boat????? There are a lot of parts of this boating accident that don't make any sense. Anyone else scratching their head wondering Hmmmmmmm?
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maybe they haven't searched that "grid" yet sounds like all the publicity will help a lot of folks recover their loved ones and have a closure
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I could have sworn that they found the boat the very first day. I cannot remember if I read it on a post here on BFT or on, but like I said I am pretty sure that they found it.
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I thought I had heard they found the boat but couldn't remember where. Did a little looking through the news and found the following article. It says the boat was still missing as of Saturday.
[url ""][/url]
Is sonar that much better then it was when the people they have found were lost or are they just getting lucky to come across them now? Either way I hope there is enough to identify the newest body.
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[black][size 3]I don't know about a conspracy theory or anything, but it is kind of odd that they didn't find the boat - just debris from it. I guess the boat had no flotation at all - other wise it should have been located by now.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]They did identify the body of the other man they found. It was a guy that apparently went for a swim and never came back.[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3][url ""]Body identified article[/url][/size]
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[size 1] Quote:[size 1]Is sonar that much better then it was when the people they have found were lost or are they just getting lucky to come across them now? Either way I hope there is enough to identify the newest body[/size]
[#505000][size 2]Yes they update and improve their equipment all the time. As 3D sonar and a lot of other technologies become avaliable, and especially as they come down in cost, agencies get it.[/size][/#505000]
[#505000][size 2][/size][/#505000]
[#505000][size 2]When I started in Law Enforcement computers and cameras in police cars were the exception rather than the rule, now it's the other way around. When I started, rotating halogen lights and stobes were the norm, and now High Intensity LEDs are getting the be the standard. In 5-10 years I can guarantee we will have newer and neater gear, than we do today. In fact right now they are seriously looking to possibly put laser sights on our long guns, and side arms. They have been avaliable for years, but now the price is right, and the technology less bulky and prohibitive. [/size][/#505000]
[#505000][size 2][/size][/#505000]
[#505000][size 2]New technologies are being developed as we speak, and as they are "perfected" and come down in price they will be adopted and replace, or enhance what is already there. [/size][/#505000]
[#505000][size 2][/size][/#505000]
[black][size 2][#505000]I'm guessing as they get new sonars these other cases were so old, and the cost of a full blow search and rescue operation so expensive it didn't make sense to go back years later to try to recover the bodies using the new techniques.[/#505000][/size][/black]
[black][size 2][/size][/black]
[#505000][size 2]As far as not finding the boat goes. It's a huge, deep lake with currents. It's likely the boat and the bodies have moved from their original resting places. I would venture to guess even the two bodies they have recovered have been in several locations over the years. [/size][/#505000][/size]
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[#505000]Quote:[b][#505000]New technologies are being developed as we speak, and as they are "perfected" and come down in price they will be adopted and replace, or enhance what is already there.[/#505000]
I completely agree with you CP, all except for one thing. Being a techno geek myself, I realized a long time ago that the words "technology" and "perfected" should never be used in the same context.
[  ]
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[#505000][ ] That's why I used it in quotation marks!! [ ][/#505000]
[#505000]I imagine when most of us are too frail to fish anymore our grandkids will pick through our garages and look at our latest most high tech fishing gear of today and exclaim "What is this crap!?!? Grandpa caught fish with this garbage!?!?!"[/#505000]
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[url ""][/url]
Seems to indicate that the boat has been found.
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Interesting....... Kutv is reporting that they found two more drowning victims from a 1995 shipwreck (the one found yesterday is believed to be from the same accident) where three Utah County men drowned. It also says that they found the boat that the 3 men were in at the time of the 1995 accident.
quote from KUTV Captain John Rogers of the Wasatch County Sheriff's Office told 2News it's believed the remains belong to a small group men whose boat sank on the reservoir in September of 1995. Sonar equipment also found the victims' boat on Thursday, which was confirmed as the boat that sank more than ten years ago.
I wonder if ABC got their facts wrong thinking they found the Rowndys boat instead of the boat from the 1995 accident??????
I hope they did find the Roundys boat. It would be a step in the right direction!
Just a general question..... Arn't most of those smaller alluminum boat's seats filled with foam so they float when they fill up???
Piscis, do you happen to know (not from experience of course) if your boat is supposed to float if filled with water. This whole episode has got me wondering if my 19 foot fiberglass I/O boat would float or sink if capsized and filled with water? I have often time heard that if a boat tips over and fills with water that it should float and it would be safer to stay with the floating boat then swim for shore if it was too far.....
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[black][size 3]Well, the news folks have been known to get their wires crossed on occassion. Maybe there is a little confusion.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Why the boat did not float is also my question. I have an older aluminum boat (1973) that has foam under the seats. Maybe their boat was older and made before the Coast Guard minimum standards for floatation was established ? [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]That standard is supposed to be set for level floatation of the watercraft when it has been swamped. As I understand it, that also includes the weight of the approved motor size. [/size][/black]
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Quote:Why the boat did not float is also my question. I have an older aluminum boat (1973) that has foam under the seats. Maybe their boat was older and made before the Coast Guard minimum standards for floatation was established ?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I am sure you nailed it...It didn't have any foam. I am looking at buying an Aluminum boat from my Brother in-law and I know it doesn't. Bare aluminum all around. I will put a sub floor with foam underneath.[/size][/black][/font]
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Bigcat- The entire under-deck of my 19' Alumacraft is full of foam and they state that it will float even if fully swamped; obviously I'd hate to have to test that bit of marketing. I also have heard numerous times to stay with the boat if it fills with water or capsizes. It is safer to be with that big floating object, also much easier to see from the water or air. I'd certainly notice an upside down boat on the water.
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Just for the sake of discussion here are a few of my unanswered questions....
[size 1]1. Why did the boat sink?? I thought those should float even totally full of water?
2. Why haven't they found the boat? That thing should show up on their sonar like a battleship!
3. Why did the gas can float up. It should have been attached to the outboard motor by the gas line and I it is pretty hard to get one of those to just disconnect itself.
4. Why did the 4 in the water split up and go different directions. And why would the two that drowned swim into the wind? Why couldn't they somehow attach the lifejackets to themselves even if they couldn't put them on. When they were all in the water the one man who drowned had kept his head enough initially to be able to help one of the survivors get his boots off. I would think they would have discussed some sort of plan of survival.
5. How did the two that survived swim for two plus hours in 42 degree water when supposedly your muscles become completely useless after about 30-45 minutes at this temperature. Best case hopefully your arms get so stiff around the lifejacket you are holding onto that you are unable to let go. After being in the water for over two hours they laid on the shore for 15 minutes from exhaustion and they said they walked for over 2 hours to find help. The paper said they reached shore somewhere over by the ladders. The road is only 5-20 minutes walk at most from anywhere over near the ladders. Highway 40 is well traveled all day long so it would not have been hard to find a car driving by to flag down. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]5. The two survivors should have a fairly good idea where that boat went down. Is there that much current on the bottom of the reservoir to move a boat?
6. The two floating lifejackets they found were near the shore line directly east of the marina near the north shortcut into the narrows. How did they end up there????? The wind was blowing from south to north as it often times does. If the two that are missing let go of the lifejackets they would blow in the direction of the wind which is the direction the two survivors swam. If the wind was strong enough to cause 3 foot waves as reported it would scoot those jackets across that lake in a hurry. Probably reaching shore near the shore...before the two survivors even were able to swim there.
So as you can see, I have many questions. I am not doing this to stir the pot. Just wondering what others think. In my mind there are a lot of questions. I hope nothing "fishy" is going on. Hopefully tomorrow they will find the Roundys and I will quit my CSI investigation. [/size]
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[cool]Those are some damn good questions, Bigcat, and I've wondered about some of those exact things... It will be interesting to find out more. I wonder how hard the survivors have been questioned by the sherriff dept. involved? There's got to be at least a bit more to the story than what little bit the media has passed on to the public...
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I wasn't going to put this up but since you already posted the same, I thought I would share my thoughts.
[size 1]I was thinking the same thing. Not to say it is the case now but people have faked their own deaths in the past, just so they could start over some where else. It's hard to believe that all the built in floatation was removed and that the boat sank to the bottom of the lake. I had a 14 ft alumium boat that was built in 69 and it still had all the foam in it. What seems even stranger to me is the two that survived, swam for two hours in such cold water, then had the energy to walk up to the road and flag down a cop. What are the odds of them finding a cop before anyone else drove by and then instead of going to a hospital with hypothermia they wait at the marina. That being said, I'm sure they will located the couple soon and what I wrote will seem like crazy talk. [/size]
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The comment about disconnecting the gas can in an interesting one. How much gas would you have in your can while out in the middle of Strawberry? Enough for a whole day I would hope. How long had they been fishing before they went down? Was the can pretty full? I think I might try the "set the gas can in water trick" to see how well it floats with gas in it and then see if it will hold up a two hundered pound man fully clothed and wet for two hours. I questioned the walk to road from the ladders with my wife and some of the guys I fish with on regular basis at Strawberry and also the swimming against the wind after he helped the guy take off his boots. I am glad there are other people with the same questions as myself.
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One of the things coming out of the news media is none of them really know what they are talking about. Example, in todays paper they think the person found yesterday might be one of the 3 lost near renagade. Where they are searching is a long way from renagade. Almost the legnth of the lake. Also almost every day the number of persons still lost changes.
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All this off the wall guesswork about what happened to those two is about enough to make me puke. If I'd lost a loved one I'd get pretty warlike about that kind of speculation.