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East Canyon 02-03-07
Fish East Canyon Today with Little RILEYFISH, Petty4life, AFDAN and HIs son Chris, Sorry Chris I cant remember your screen name, BEARCLAW, POWMOW, Afriend of theres and his wife.

Great weather, Great company, AVerage catching, Some small some nice. Watched two bald eagles play on the ice for a good hour. that was fun. Lots of folks.

Thanks for the tow out BEARCLAW. saved a good pull for me.

Looking foward to the next trip with ya all.

Good times Mark! After you guys left we relocated dowm towards T. Hallow and managed 8 more before we left. Weather was almost perfect. A little W shwed up as the afternoon wore on. Man those eagles were sure awesome.
I took some pictures of the Eagles , but I didn't have enough zoom tomake the shots worth posting. They were cool to watch.

looks like you guys had a good time at ec.
thanks for sharing.

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