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Three hours on lost creek ice yeilded me 1 cutt on a chartreuse booger and wax worm. started the day next to the dam in 14' of water. after half an hour of seeing nothing on the Marcum I moved out to the middle over 120' were I spent the rest of the time only seeing 6 fish on the finder of which was the 12 in cutt I caught 40' down.
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I don't know what the deal is with Lost creek this year but no one is doing very good. Some of the guys have done better in the back near the boat launch but all in all it's been a bad year for the catching there. I'm thinking the DWR did not stock it last year for some reason. Anyone have any into on when the last stocking happened at Lost CreeK?
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It could be that the lake actually has water in it this year so the fish can spread out over the whole lake rather the stuck to the puddle of the last couple of years.
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I work with a guy that said they fished north of the dam a ways where a point comes out in 110' of water and cought lots of 10-14" mostly susspended at around 45'! He said he had to drill alot of holes to find the point but once he did he never moved his shelter all day! Hope this helps? M.H.
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It should still have a few fish in it. Here is the stocking report for 2006:
LOST CR RES Morgan Cutthroat trout 40704 5.6" 04/17/2006 LOST CR RES Morgan Rainbow trout 14208 9.63" 05/05/2006 LOST CR RES Morgan Rainbow trout 13681 9.63" 05/05/2006
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I fished Lost Creek all summer long and same story maybe 1 fish every few hours.
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That is strange, they stocked it twice on the same day with the same size fish, 05/05/06 with 9.63 inch fish. I wonder if that is a misprint or if two different trucks made the trip to LC. If they haven't stocked it since May of last year I can see why the numbers are down, plus with the lake being so full, would explain a lot. Fewer fish in a larger area, sounds like Jammie's friend has found the secret to catching fish at LC this winter, drill lots of holes until you find the fish. Thanks for sharing Kent.
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I fished Lost Creek in August or so with Bearclaw trolling most of the day and finally ended up anchored opposite the boatramp and did very well for a couple of hours. Not much in size , but a lot of action. I would think with the colder water temps they would be closer to the surface during this time.