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[cool][#0000ff]Drew Cushing is a well respected DWR guy and a BFTer to boot. He has done a tremendous job building the community fisheries program. It was confirmed by Roger Wilson that Drew has won the position of Warm Water Fisheries/Community Fisheries coordinator. Couldn't have gone to a better candidate.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Okay you warm water fans, watch for some great things to happen in that part of the Utah fisheries. Drew is progressive and aggressive and seems to always have an open ear to what fishermen are thinking.[/#0000ff]
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Excellent! Now I just need someone to teach me how to fish for the warm water species!
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[cool][#0000ff]Think you could pass for 12 or 13? Maybe we could sneak you through one of the next Youth Fishing Programs. If nothing else, you could volunteer as an adult helper and learn as you go. Others have done that.[/#0000ff]
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If he is even 1/2 as successful with the Warm Water Fisheries as he has been with the Community Fisheries he will do a great job. Hopefully, the momentum with the Community Fisheries won't be lost with his replacement.
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I wish I could do that but unfortunately I just started a new job that has me working the swing shift.[unsure] Guess I'll just have to buy that Bass for Dummies book and learn the hard way.
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This is awesome, I've had limited contact with Drew but he seems assertive and a go getter. His record with the community fisheries speaks for itself. Look forward to working with him as a volunteer.
Question though, I noticed the dual titles, will there be a replacement for his current position or is this in addition to what he is already doing?
Either way, congrats Drew, well deserved
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[cool][#0000ff]The good news is that he has not been a "one man show" with the community fisheries. He has had some DWR staff assistance and I assume that will continue to be the case. But, nobody could replace the connections and the good will that Drew has built up and I am sure there will continue to be parts of the program that only he can handle.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My understanding is that this is a supervisory position and that usually entails having someone to supervise.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I plan to volunteer my (dubious) services wherever I can. I am sure that he will depend upon whatever volunteer help he can get, since Utah legislature is generally stingy with the bucks for special projects.[/#0000ff]
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I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your kind and supportive words!! I have really enjoyed the challenge as the Community Fisheries Biologist and look forward to this new challenge.
The Community Fisheries Program will remain under my supervision and I am extremely happy to say that the DWR will be hiring someone to replace myself in that role. I look forward to being involved in that transition. There are many relationships with youth, city government, volunteers, DWR folks, and last but not least angling groups that need to be maintained.
Again thanks for all your kind words!!
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I must say, the "Communities Fishery" idea is one of the most brilliant
ideas ever. I never use them due to the fact I live in the sticks. But still,
I really like to see post about them.
What a great opportunity for youth and city kids. This is a program I
am behind 100%.
Keep up the good work and congrat's.
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i just have one requst of ya right out of the gate then.. how about some perch and catfish for gunnison res..
hope all of TubeDudes hipe is true! if so then finley uath has the right guy for the job..
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Congrats Drew-
My brother worked with you a little and said good things. He was the Smithfield City Rep. for the Logan project.
Hey Cad- if you want to volunteer Logan has a session and is always in need of volunteers. Cache Anglers is really good to help but sometimes they get spread a little thin with all of their projects they do.
It's dead in the middle of the soccer seasons for me or else I'd help out too. It is one of the best programs that DWR has had. I hope that it continues to be successful.
Hey Drew, what's the job description for your old post?
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This sounds like great news for the fishing program here in utah.
congrats Drew.
later chuck
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Can you post a link on how I can get involved? Thanks
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Let me see what I can find. My brother is in Nebraska and he's the one that helped out.
Anyone have a link?
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[#505000]Congrats Drew!!! [cool][/#505000]
[#505000]I am also excited about your new position. I am a huge warm water fan and with all the good I saw you do with the community ponds I have high expectations and look forward to seeing your work with the warm water fishies![/#505000]
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I will let you know after next weekend. Right now all the water is hard. I did look it over and put a new impeller in. I really appreciate the motor though it was just what I was looking for.
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Good!!..Let me know if you have any problems (you shouldn't) One thing you might want to do is clean the plugs becasue I had the gas a little rich the last time I used it.Good Luck with the new job!!Take care!