02-07-2007, 05:32 AM
Anyone going to the derby this weekend? Cannot find any info on what the fish are biting on? Or what someone should use?
Evanston derby
02-07-2007, 05:32 AM
Anyone going to the derby this weekend? Cannot find any info on what the fish are biting on? Or what someone should use?
02-07-2007, 02:54 PM
The only way you are going to catch any fish from that stupid drunk A$$ derby is by donning some cold weather scuba gear and going down and catch them by spear/hand/net. With 1500 people on the ice, drilling holes and making a ruckus, the fish will be scared silly on the bottom of the lake. You should save your 50 bucks, your gas money, your beer money, and your sanity, and just stay home. Just my 2 cents anyways.
02-07-2007, 04:01 PM
I almost went this year almost. My buddy Little John is going with his boss. Maybe one day I will pay 50 bucks to get in the party.
02-07-2007, 04:22 PM
You're assuming that the fees will stay at $50 every year. correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the fees have been steadily climbing throughout the years.
What started out as a respectable fishing tourny a while back, has turned into a circus that the local drunks frequent every year. My cousin lives there in Evanston and I hear the stories. Save your money unless you like giving your cash away and freezing while catching very few fish. [ ![]() [signature]
02-07-2007, 06:00 PM
I did the derby thing last year. I didn't think it was all as bad as some folks make it out to be. Yes, there are alot of folks having some fun, but I didn't observe anything that troubled me. You have to be aware of what you are getting into...it's a tournament...could be alot of people there...here's what you can expect:
Can it be cold? Absolutely! Some years even BRUTAL! Are there alot of people? Yes, 1500 is alot! Do some of them drink? Yes, you're not in Kansas anymore. Does it cost $50? Yes (perhaps $100 would slow the numbers) Do you catch fish all day? No Its not the holy grail of ice fishing Do they have prizes? Yes Can it be a miserable or excellent time? Yes (depends on your expectations or disposition) Is it a good cause? Yes Some folks won't miss it and others will never return. I'm in the middle somewhere. I'll go back, but not this year. I thought the tournament was very organized and well run. Now to address the question you asked. I fish Sulphur a few times each year. Paddle bugs, boogers, watta cricket, and an assortment of small jigs seem to work. I tip with meal or nightcrawler. Fish come in at all levels, but the larger fish seem to be near the bottom. There is alot of water that doesn't hold many fish so move if you aren't seeing fish. I don't want to give any locations...that would just cause congestion. A tagged fish can be anywhere! Good Luck Chester [signature]
02-07-2007, 09:15 PM
[cool]Hey, what's up with your new sig, jerkey?? We need to quit talking about skunk and get our a$$'s on the ice!!
02-07-2007, 09:53 PM
I'll be there! My wife and I was there last year and had a great time. Yes, there are drunks and _ _ _ _raisers but they are well behaved. If you don't like the party then move to another part of the lake. That's just what we done. We caught fish all day on Sunday but few made the 15" minumum. It was my wife's first time ice fishing and she had a great time. She was the one that suggested that we fish again this year. We didn't win a lot of money but enough to pay for motels, gas, bait, and some good meals, license fees and registration fees. We had a free weekend and some fun fishing. The lions club sponsers were great and It is for a good cause. Besides where else can you go and have all your gear hauled out and back? As Chester said, Boogers, Whatacrickets, tipped with mealworms, worked for us. Also we had luck with jigs tipped with a Salmon egg and mealworm.
02-07-2007, 11:23 PM
I'll be there, drunk and skunked! Why I go, I have no idea. I'll be way to the S/E along the cliff faces, drinking Miller Lite and BQing some Jalopeno Bratwurst with spicy mayo and a nice NY extra sharp cheddar. My son will be fishing, I might wet a line also, but, chances are I'll just be stinking up the shelter.
Like TKB said, save your money. Go for the party and leave the fishing for the GORGE! I'm up there the next weekend for 4 days. Now thats a tournament. IFG
02-08-2007, 05:02 AM
You're assuming that the fees will stay at $50 every year. correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the fees have been steadily climbing throughout the years. What started out as a respectable fishing tourny a while back, has turned into a circus that the local drunks frequent every year. My cousin lives there in Evanston and I hear the stories. Save your money unless you like giving your cash away and freezing while catching very few fish. [ ![]() [signature]
02-08-2007, 07:10 PM
If ya don't like the cold temps at the derby,don't go.
If ya don't like the party attitude of the so called drunken locals,don't go. If you don't like paying entrance fees,don't go. If you like to have a good time ,and don't mind people that drink , don't mind paying a entrance fee then go have a good time . But PLEASE quit whining about it ,and then continue to go back. I have fished this derby twice in the past ,and have always had a good time. I didn't mind the drunken crowds,or paying a entrance fee ,or even the cold temps(it is February in Wyo ) The only people that I have seen not having a good time was those that weren't catching any fish,or thought that anyone drinking alcohol was a bad person. I'm tried of people slamming this derby,then continue to go back year after year only to bitch about it. As Chester pointed out,your not in Kansas anymore. [signature]
02-09-2007, 03:29 AM
Thats not pointed at me I hope....... Cause when I threw that qoute out my [size 2]rebuttal[/size] did not show up. What I said that after counting a couple years about 350 of the 1500 were local drunks. 200 are in state but out of towners and almost all the rest are the Bishops and oh so holy from down below in UT. And tell me that they aren't playing a part in "The drunk fest" Cause the funny thing is how much more money the couple of liquor stores make during the derby. If you all reading this have the same feeling about ol Evanson, than don't come thru to go camping, fishing, boating, in the summer. Don't come thru to go snowmachineing in the winter and quit comming up here to buy fireworksand go to the downs around the 4th. We're not all drunks up here. Just have better beer and some are a bit jealous of that.
02-09-2007, 03:47 AM
A little bitter are we? A box of black cats and 6-pack of Fat Tire will make any ice fishing trip a blast!
02-09-2007, 05:32 AM
Fish4life,no way was my post pointed at you.It wasn't at any one individual. The only person I pointed out by name was Chester ,and that was just to help make a point he had made earlier. My point is that ,if I went to a derby and all I did was complain.I sure wouldn't be coming back. Thanks for posting your rebuttal ,your post makes a lot more sense now.
02-09-2007, 05:44 AM
Well in that case..........
02-09-2007, 05:48 AM
1st love -fishing
2cnd love -playing poker combine the two, and the only thing that could make it better is if your competition is pounding the sauce. i'm heading up to bring home some cash and not too proud to admit it- if i don't catch a single fish then my cosolation prize is two straight days of fishing. alot better consolation then loosing at the tables!! [signature]
02-09-2007, 06:13 AM
Well, I am glad to see all of the comments about the derby. I went last year, had a good time, no fish!! Will give it another try and hopefully I learned something from last year. Still will have a good time, drunks or no drunks!!!
02-09-2007, 04:22 PM
this is my fifth year going and i have always had a really good
time i have one a few prizes but the best part is getting out with old friends for a weekend oh and the beer is good up there [signature]
02-09-2007, 08:02 PM
This whole thread makes me want to go drink a couple of beers.
02-09-2007, 08:08 PM
02-09-2007, 10:03 PM
i think ill try a tall one for bait. see ya up there it ought to be a blast. fishing and off track betting how do ya beat it. i wish they had some card rooms,and mac man could get his holdem fix.[sly]
[signature] |
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