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Be aware that I and I know at least one other member have received several files that our virus software has flagged as containing viruses from reading threads on this forum today. Be sure that your virus detecting software is current and is running.
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Hello Guys,
We can not find anything, please PM any messages you are recieving so we can investigate further and also why you think it orginated from the forums.
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Please injclude the path you were on when you recieved this message and what anti virus software you are running.
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Mike, I realize this isn't a PM; however, I am responding here so others can read my reply. I logged onto BFT on three different occasions this morning, and every time I got repeated messages from my Symantec AntiVirus software warning:
"Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Security Risk Found!
Thread: Downloader"
And then it would give me the path to a file in the Temporary Internet folder
I got the messages the first two times when I opened and viewed the video post that TubeDude made about catching a large catfish. I next got the messages when I opened TubeDude's message warning about thin ice this time of year. I have never received these types of messages before today, and I only received them today while I was logged onto this forum, and they immediately stopped when I logged off from this site.
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I got the detection messages also, but thank goodness McAfee put a halt to it.
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Please send us the link to the page where you are when you get this meesage.
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[#505000]I got it too... same info as Kent put up. I want to say it was on the front page when I clicked the Utah link, but I can't remember for sure.[/#505000]
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I got the same thing,I found it on my computer 4 diffrent areas,norton cleaned it off though.
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[cool][#0000ff]I got it the first time when I logged on to BFT Utah about 5:30 last night. I cleaned it off my computer with Norton, but when I logged back on to BFT afterward, it popped up again.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I ran another scan/cleanup early this morning and then logged on again. No problems while reading the first few posts. Then my computer went crazy. That was when I was communicating with Kent and running my third scan...and I left a message for you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It has not reoccured since about 11 this morning.[/#0000ff]
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[black][size 3]No problem here. I just ran several scans from different security software packages and nothing turned up. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]I apparently have up-to-date protection.[/size][/black]
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Hello Guys,
We believe we have isolated the source of these files (although not an atual harmful virus they were activex in nature so it is good your sytem picked them up), fixed the problem, and prevented it from happening again. Please advise if you have any further problems but you should not.
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Might of lost MGB because he is telling me he has a bunch of trojans on his puter now . I know I don't want any .
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Yes, it wiped out my computer at 5:00am this morning not sure of the damage yet I had to get to work. Loged on to BFT at 12:30 at work and had no problems.
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I got the same warning as Kent last week, But My McAffee wouldnt even let me log into BFT until I cleaned it up. I havent gotten another one since.
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That's why you should use firefox. Never would have had the problem in the first place!!![cool][cool][cool]
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I had the same thing happen to me yesterday. I opened several BFT threads in multiple windows and my laptop went nuts, basically froze up the laptop for several minutes.... I have a ton of protection, that i know little about..but the program detected and blocked some type of program called "downloader" over and over again.
No problems today.
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My laptop has done the same thing when I open any of the new videos that we have on the site. After theangler made adjustments, my system is working fine.[cool]