03-02-2003, 10:43 PM
What is the best and easiest type of reel to use spincasting, baitcasting or spinning. Thank You
David Monnat
David Monnat
03-02-2003, 10:43 PM
What is the best and easiest type of reel to use spincasting, baitcasting or spinning. Thank You
David Monnat [signature]
03-03-2003, 12:12 AM
closed faced spincast
aka zebco 202 [signature]
03-03-2003, 05:42 AM
I like the open face spinning reels myself, but then I use them on everything.
AFDan52 [signature]
03-03-2003, 06:55 AM
Hi there basstracker29, As usual davetclown's choice is mine too. The closed-face, spincast is easiest to cast and is usually the most dependable of the reels. But..... if it ever does mess up, you are totally $#@&*ed. Get your brain surgeon and rocket scientist friends to pitch in. 'Let's see is that the thing that holds the line before that picks it up?' Need to fish a different test line and want to change over fast? tough luck, no way Jose. I have rarely see a spincast combo that didn't look unbalanced and somewhat unwieldey to hold, reel and crank by inexperienced kids and the no longer weaker sex. Yet, again, they don't usually mess up and the cast is easy to learn. To brag, I taught a 6 year old girl to cast consistantly better then her adult contempoaries in less than 20 casts. I hurriedly walked away after that as she was edging in on my supposed better casts. ha ha tsurikichi a.k.a.JapanRon [signature]
03-04-2003, 01:45 PM
As I stated that the zebco 202 is the easiest, this is what I would give to any 5 year old to operate.
my favorit reel is a shimono with the quick fire trigger for fast one handed cast. [signature]
03-05-2003, 01:26 AM
i also like the open face as far as havin problem,s and i like the quantum with the extra spool i just got so i cann have 6lb on one and 8 on hte other. makes it lots easire when your out thru and just want to change poundage rather than terarin down everythein. and i also like the back drag on them. still have the nice quantum i got 5 years ago and goin strong. only cleanin, new line. this one i just got gonna put on my 6 ft ugly stick for the pond lake. it,s bigger than my broojk pole reel. quantum. i don,t like plastic inerds. johnson closed faceed have been doin that for the last 8-10 years and i always liked johnson closed faced till they started runnin down the quality part of em. mow i stick to my quantum.
03-05-2003, 02:52 AM
I used to teach Angling to some of my Physical Ed classes. These kids were as raw as could be to the fine art of Angling.
Most had never seen a spinning reel or a conventional reel of any kind.From this experience I found that they really enjoyed casting the spinning reel over all the rest. I had the closed face reels at first but soon gave up on them because they constantly fouled and as one guy said it took an Einstein to fix them. I just taught my 6 year old grandson how to cast the spinning reel and now he won't put it down. The mistake that most make when purchasing the first spinner is buying the cheapest on the market. To start with buy a good one it will save you a lot of head aches [signature]
03-05-2003, 03:22 AM
yeah but you figure, that,s with most anything you buy. it,s just findin the right place to go searchin for em. and gittin the best deal. ya can,t fix plastic. or ya better have parts fronm other ones. before ya buy it but what a waste of time money. i started my son out on an open face he was little 5 cause it was easier to git the snarls out. haha but once he learned that,s all he,s ever used. but i know when i plan a trip to a nioce lake ya been wantin to go git way up in the mountains and your reel or pole breaks. don,t that suck? i never had it happen cause i do buy the best when it comes to fishin and keep it right tight all the time. gotta take careof em.no different than dogs kids horses or anythin haha i love my fishin huntin and it,s what i live for i figure if i,m gonna do alot i might swell have somethin that,s gonna last quite some time. i,ve been lucky with huntin clothes and such, generally thrift stores but all llbean or cabella,s or johnson. ain,t no diferent than my guns. gramps old octogon still works as good as it did when he was a kid nad bought it at 16. i used it three years ago. [
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