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Best Pike Catch ever????

Thought you had a nice little pike then BAMMMMMM!!!!!!! [url ""][Image: image0021.jpg][/url] mONSTER pIKE

[url ""][Image: image001.jpg][/url] mONSTER pIKE

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
[black][size 3]That's the time to hit free spool and let the big fish go eat the baitfish and hope there's still enough hook left outside of the little one to set in the big one. [/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]In any case, it sure would get my excitement level up a bit to see that.[/size][/black]
New meaning to big bait, big fish. Any idea on length,weight or lake?
Even the Pike Rapala you were using looks tempting. ha ha.

Are you holding the baby or the Monster in the boat??[cool]
LOL, that isn't Mike in that picture is it?

I'd say that's the big one in the picture though, that's a huge pike. [cool]
Hello Guys,
No that's not me in the pic (I wish it was), a friend emailed me this.

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
LOL, well, I was going to give you the benefit of the dought. I figured maybe you got a hair cut and dyed your hair, all that good stuff. [Tongue]
The guy in the picture has the same hair line as you. You could pass of for him if you were to shave a little off of the face. lol[cool]
Mike should'a just went along with it. It was a perfectly good deception until he went and messed it up. LOL Dang it. [Tongue]
He is too good of a guy. I couldn't see him trying to pass off someone elses catch as his own.

He catches his own share of monsters though.[cool]
Yeah, he does purdy good. Unless, he's just holding up the fish that other people catch in his pictures. [shocked][shocked][shocked] Mike's part of a fishing picture conspiracy.

Carefull now.[shocked]

The last time that I "Dissed" theangler, he ended up cutting my Mod salary in half for 6 straight weeks.[pirate]

That really hurt.[crazy]
Heck, he doesn't need me to toot his horn. LOL, we all know he's a good angler..................All the more reason to pick on him [cool]
Hey there Steve! Make sure and take a moment and register with the site. It quick and free! We'd love to have some of your insights and recommendations in the future!

As far as your question, i'm not sure if theangler has that info. I think the photo was emailed to him. But, judgeing by his size:

Looks like about 4 ft long and something like a 2 or 2.5 ft girth. I'd say closer to 40 pounds. But 50 wouldn't be far fetched. [cool] One heck of a fish though!
Nice picture nice pike where was the picture taken what state

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