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I know there are leeches living in Utah Lake's mud... are they considered live bait under Utah's regs? I've been talking about this with a angler friend of mine, and he says he thinks it is illegal in Utah to use leeches?!
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I have always understood a leech to be a worm, therefore legal to use. I'll see what I can find and get back.
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[cool]Legal and highly effective...wherever leeches and walleye coexist, these little bloodsuckers are an integral part of the fish's diet during parts of the year then the minnows and young of larger fish are scarce. They are great when fished like crawlers on a harness rig, or with one end pinned on a jig.
I did some major damage on big white bass one year at the mouth of the Jordan, above the pumps, fishing through the ice. Used about a half a leech on one hook of a small silver Kastmaster, jigged just off the bottom.
I never dug the leeches myself, but got them from an old guy that got them out of a couple of the warm water ditches nearby. Said he just pulled up clumps of water weeds and the leeches were like worms in the lawn.
In some of the midwestern lakes, leeches are a "must have", along with nightcrawlers and minnows, for any serious walleye expedition.
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I realize that it may be too cold for leech digging around Utah Lake- where can I buy them? Sportsman warehouse said they used to carry them, but they keep dying on them. I would like to get them before the tournament this saturday. Any suggestions/help is much appreciated!
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i once heard ya tie a piece of liver on a rope , throw it into the water where leeches reside, pull it up every hour or so and pull the leeches off . .
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Talk to or PM Walleyebob, he gets them by the hundreds from a company back East. I do not know that he will sell any but you might be able to get them shipped over night delivery, I'm sure he will give you their phone number. They can be a high price though. Good luck, WH2
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[cool][#800000][size 2] Paul, I'll go halfs on some leeches. Bob has some connection that we might want to look into. He mention before about ordering leeches from out of state and was willing to impart his source. We will just have to wait until he comes on line. He was on UFF earlier this morning.[/size][/#800000]
[#800000][size 2]tommy[/size][/#800000]
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[cool]Before everyone starts going crazy over something new, think about dancin' with the girl ya brung to the dance. Sure, leeches work, but they are not a magic bullet. And from what I have read and heard about them, they are a better spring and summer treat to decorate a trolled offering.
The big walleyes that are biting right now are more on a reaction bite than a feeding binge. They are hitting the big slow-moving wide-wiggle lures that wake them up and get their attention. I would doubt that even a small percentage of the fish taken in the last two weeks have identifiable food in their stomachs...unless the males are in feeding on some slow sunfish. The females just don't actively feed when their body cavities are full of ripening roe. But once they drop their load, it's Katie bar the door as they put on the feedbag again.
Leeches will work, but I don't know as I would hock the wife, kids and dog to get some overnighted for a tournament. Dress up a plain old crawler and sweeten it up with some smelly jelly. Just as good, If you have some leftover white bass or yellow perch fillets...preferably with skin on...add a small strip of that to any lure you drag through their living room.
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[  ] [green][size 2]Oh man, I just trying to do sumthin' different. [cool] I found a web site that delivers two-day UPS. [/size][/green]
[#008000][size 2]I was looking to try live bait this year while a bassin' fishin'. I've seen nightcrawlers in the store. I thought it would cool to give them and leeches a try. [/size][/#008000]
[#008000][size 2]At Land of Lakes Baits(, they run from $14.00 to $22.00 a pound. Depending on size, You can get 8(jumbo) to 30(small) dozen at a shot. This seems reasonable to me.[/size][/#008000]
[#008000][size 2][laugh] aw Dad, why can't I be different. I'm looking for something to sweeten your famous fish catchers. [/size][/#008000]
There is a place in Utah that sells leaches. As you come into Heber from the Park City side there is a bait store. It is us as you get into town on the right hand side before the Maverick. They sell them in the late spring and early summer. They also sell nitro worms. Look for the yellow road sign on the way in to Heber. It is also fun to put one in your buddies sock while he is taking a short nap in the boat at night. Ask Downtown Julie Brown.
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O.K. guys, heres the scoop on leeches. Yes they work well sometimes, but like T.D. said, THEY AIN'T NO MAJIC BULLET. I happen to have about a pound or so in my fridge. I have gotten them from LAND O LAKES and Vados bait express. Can't get any right now. They are a summer thing. I've had mine for about three months. They keep as long as you change the water every few days. If you're married, forget it. Momma probably won't let you keep a big cooler full of squigly critters in HER refrigerator.
Half my refigerator is bait, lucky me, no wife.
Leeches are great bait once the water gets to about 44. Right now they aren't working too goodly. I been trying them here and there. Need warmer water to get them active.
Once it warms, they work great for big smallies and walleye at Deer Creek. Caught a few nice eyes at Utah Lake last year using a leech on a 1/16 oz. jig under a bobber. At night and early mornings.
I'll try some during the tournament and let you know how they do. hehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehe,,,oh sorry,
Thats all,, I think.
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[cool]I gotta ask Bob. Which came first, the leeches or the solitude? Maybe the leeches aren't a surefire thing for fish, but they may be good for a few days by yourself...if not the rest of your life. Some guys would probably pay overnight delivery rates for that.
Have you and Chuck made your pilgrimage to the enchanted spot at Lincoln Beach yet?