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Did all you tubers ever want a store tailoring to your specific type of fishing? Well I clicked the little fish tackle banner here on the BFT site and found just that. A site dedicated to tubes, kick boats, and equipment for tubers. Check it out.
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[cool]Thanks, Predator. Some of our California crowd probably already knows about this one. It is based in Downey, CA.
For anyone who can't find the banner, here is the link:
[url ""][/url]
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Joined: Mar 2003
Predator I was looking at your signature, are you a forester?
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Joined: Feb 2002
A forester! Now thats funny. Nope, its the In-Fishermans symbol for selective harvest on fish. Kind of like trees, but better. Bascially its the idea that to obtain balance in a body of water some fish need to be harvested and some fish need to be left to spwan and control bait fish populations. Too many times these days the biggest fish are harvested and the little ones are released back into a lake. The idea is to understand the conditions and situation on the lake so that you can make the best decision as to wich fish to harvest. This combines the best of bolth the catch and release world and the catch and keep world to create the best fishery possible. Oh and while I am here, SAVE THE TREES!
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Hey there PREDATOR,
That really sounds like a group that could succed in allying the two camps of freshwater anglers and all shades inbetween. Something needs to be done to stymie the people who would like to see as much water as possible be made off limits to any human utilization or even entry no matter what the science shows.
Scary stuff and it's going on right now with the block land purchases with the agreement of access and then, in fact, access being denied on technicalities!
I'll visit the In-fisherman website to find out more.