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This is a Birthday cake that my wife made for my youngest he will turn 4 on the 8th of this month . My wife wanted to practice on this shape of cake. She is not very happy with this one so she will make another one for his birthday party for next week. But i think it looks great. She said the hardest part is mixing all the icings to make the perfect color and also applying them to the cake.Even though it is a practice cake i'am still gonna eat it.My wife should go into the cake business.
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Wow! This is getting wierd. We just finished my 4 year olds b-day tonight and my wife made the same cake except her red icing didn't turn out right so it was replaced with Dynaco blue.
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Holy wow . Your wife did a great job . It looks great. The blue is a fit for the cake . I hope when she makes it again it will look that good. Tell your boy happy birthdayMy lil boy will turn 4 on the 8th I already let him open one of his gifts. Butanyway great looking cake. .
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Same to you and yours.[cool]
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My wife wants to ask your wife how she made the red icing?
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hi,actually I just bought the Lightening Mcqueen Icing set. it has all the colors you need. except the brown it says is needed. I like your cake, it looks awesome. I bet your son loved it. Tammy
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I also bought the cars kit but my red did not turn out could not get it to go more then an ugly pink. I will try again another day. Your cake also looks good. One suggestion try more powdered sugar for a thicker icing easier to decorate with. Have you made others?
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Thank you for the compliment and yours looked great also.Below is a castle cake that i made last year for his 3rd birthday party
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I bought the Wilton type of icing and it is ready to go, so I didnt make it homemade. I wanted to try it just for fun, but it is expensive.
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Ok, I misunderstood that would be much easier I will spring for that next time at least for red. Your castle is really cute. I will post a few pics of other I have done also.
I guess the other pic's are on my other computer I will have to get to them later.
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Ok, no more wifes using my bft name! [sly] It makesd me look girly.[cool]
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lol, so sorry lunker[  ], but I have to tell your wife how wonderful her cakes are. I love them!!! Maybe I will hire her to do my sons b-day cake[  ]!! I was going to ask about the lightening pan, did the 95 or the bolt of lightening even show up at all on your cake? or did you have to guess were to put them with the icing? mine didnt show up, so I am not sure if I just didnt get the batter in there really well. no problem on the icing misunderstanding. my stars do look bad, but my problem with the Wilton frosting was the little lumps of sugary frosting I didnt see when I was mixing my colors! so when I went in to decorate it, especially the black, I had a hard time squeezing it out, so being the blonde that I am [blush], I kept squeezing and sqeezing, and it put a hole in my disposable bag, and yes, you guessed it,black frosting shot and I had black ALL over the place!! That is when I found the lumpy sugary thingys. it would clog up my tip and that is why my stars are messed up. But now I know what to look for.
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Let him cry about it...LOL
I would be happy to do a cake for you. But your looks really good. My numbers did show up slightly from the pan. Since I had such a problem with the red icing I was up all night and decided to frost half the cake (everything but the red) but then when I decided to do Dinaco the numbers were wrong. LOL... Ohwell my 4 year old was happy with it anyways. This is my passion as is BFT to my husband if you can't tell. I would love to start a business doing it but there is alot of restrictions. You have to have a seperate kitchen with a seperate entrance. And licenses and a bunch of other things aswell. So for now I do it for friends and family. I just bought me a awsome kitchen aid mixer I love it my frosting turns out so much better.
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LOL sounds good to me, my hubby is getting upset too.
I do have a few more questions if you dont mind. I used a chocolate cake, do you think it would show up better(the 95 and lightening bolt) if I used a white or yellow cake? I also read somewere, I think it was on the Wilton web site, that when doing black dye in your icing, to use chocolate icing. They said because you have to use so much black, it makes it taste bitter. have you heard of this?
I am beginning to have a passion, it is so much fun and rewarding as well to see faces of the people you make a cake for. We have an 8 yr old son as well and last year I had made him a basic 9x13 cake with a black road and a lightening car on it. It was good, but the black for the road was so bitter, and that took up half the icing!!
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Do you have yahoo im? I am
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hey brody doesnt your wife already have a bft name? its frustrated isnt it?
i found it here it is
[url ""][/url]
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Yup, I am still pretty frusterated... No just kidding he has gotten alot better with not being on here so much. But I am getting in trouble for messing up his stuff says he doesn't know what he has and has not looked at so please tell your wife to im me or e-mail me and I will talk to her that way. Jeeze think you guys would be happy your wifes are on BFT....
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I'm sure glad that is Brody wife and not mine . [  ]
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LOL!!! me too[  ]
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That's an impressive cake! How do you make the 'mold'?