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Welcome aboard BLD! Glad you registered.
Sorry, I haven't ever fished Calf Creek, but chances are that someone here has! [cool]
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I've fished it several times. Its a fun little creek with some trout a little bigger than you'd think for such a creek. Also, there's one up the canyon from it called Sand Creek. That one also has trout. The fish in both are pretty spooky, so you need to fish upstream, approaching each little spot from behind the fish.
Most of those little creeks on that side of the mountain have trout as long as they have water in late summer/fall for the fish to survive.
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For what its worth, and it may not be much, but I read about Calf Creek and saw that with all the foot traffic to Calf Creek falls, you're better off being there early in the morning before the hordes of hikers show up... just something that you might keep in mind, if you haven't already gone... hope the trip goes well for you... it looks like a cool little place to fish.
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I saw about a five pound brown once in the big pool at the base of the lower falls.
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Duck -- Calf Creek can be very fun. There is alot of stream in the section between the lower falls and the campground. You should be able to find plenty of area to fish without the disturbance of people hiking to the falls.
You have other options as well. Like mentioned previously, Sand Creek also has fish -- and is also a very scenic hike. The Escalante holds a decent population of trout as well, although I wouldn't spend too much time fishing it.
You could also go for some adventuresome hiking and try fishing Boulder Creek (next canyon to the west of Calf Creek). This can be a bit more challenging hiking, but fun non-the-less.
You could also consider hiking down to the Upper Falls and doing some fishing on this section of stream. This section get's considerable less pressure from hikers.
This is a great area to do some exploring. The fishing won't be the best you've ever had, but the scenery certainly might be!
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Welcome to BFT BLD! Sounds like were going hikeing huh? Anyhow glad you signed up! Now remember, mum's the word. Some of the guys on the board think that I can fish! SHHHHH!
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your secret is safe with me - in fact I can even tell them how awesome you were on the Situk River in Alaska. Have you posted pictures of that legendary trip yet? If not - the forum deserves to see those epic monsters [laugh]