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What is with the loop?
[center][Tongue][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Looks like his loop is out of control![/size][/green][/font][/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23933;][/center]
[#500000]I may be using the wrong terms but I remember reading once in a book that I read that there was a cast called the statue of liberty... similar to the football play.. you bring the rod straight back but pause over your head... allow the line to come back and then bring the rod forward.. it would be used for area where there is limited area for a full back cast... like I said I may of used the wrong term but I think you get the idea.. looking at the picture I can picture this as that type of cast....[/#500000]
[#500000]at least that is what I see anyway... [Smile][/#500000]
[#500000]MacFly [cool][/#500000]
[#bf0060]Right On! Mac. It could be wind, big fly or not waiting for the line to load on the back cast.[/#bf0060]
[#bf0060]With heavy flies you want to widen your loop as on windy days.[/#bf0060]
[#bf0060]On places where back cast is not available, then a roll cast, but the loop will be in front of you.[/#bf0060]
Does that mean I was close to as I look at the picture it looks like his loop is coming back but the rod has stopped.. which led me to think of the cast I described before.. I beleive the book was the Curtis Creek Manifesto.. but could be wrong on that hate it when the memory goes away....

MacFly [cool]
You are RIGHT! Statue of Liberty
Okay everyone.. mark this day and time.. I think that this is the very first time I have been right.. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO.....[sly]

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]The only reference to the Statue of Liberty that I have heard is that when one hooks up they bring the rod up in a Statue of Liberty pose or words to that effect. That is the arm is fully extended vertically. Naturally our fisherman in the picture hasn’t done that nor has he hooked up. He is not doing a roll cast either. Not sure of what you mean by letting the line come back for if it does then what is the purpose? Perhaps I spoke to fast for after I magnified the picture it really doesn’t appear to be a rainbow [my terminology] loop. The red line marks the tip of the rod and the other red line extends the fly line itself. So maybe that is just the way this individual is picking up the line and going into his back cast.
[/green][/size][/font][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23954;][/center]
That picture is a whole different ball game. I am again going to refer to heavy fly or windy conditions. Not seeing what is behind him, he might be just slapping the fly out which happens all too often.
To do a roll cast, he is in the right possition, but the loop on top is not neccesary. Just bring the rod straight up, letting the line fall to your side or slightly behind, then with force, point the tip where you want the fly to go and watch the line unroll.
Pictures are a little tuff to tell. A video would tell all.

Also, I can't tell for sure but it doesn't look like the slack line is in his left hand, so I think he is lobbing it out[crazy]
Now I am Confused... and I thought I was right for once... [Smile] ..

but on the statue of liberty cast I dont think you have to have the arm fully extended over your head.. it was my understanding that it was a type of cast to use when you dont have room for a full backcast.. the line .. as I understand it.. is brought forward just as it reaches an imaginary point just above your head but not go behind you.. if I remember right the author of that book also said to use roll casts to set the line up right in front of you .. I can see the picture in my mind but not sure I am describing sufficiently...

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Here is a view of the whole picture.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23955;][/center]
#12 is the whole story... that is me in the picture and we all know that I am a novice... and I was trying to do the statue of liberty cast... but as you can that did not go well....[sly]

macFly [cool]
Okay, I just sprayed my monitor.......AGAIN! LOL
Give me a minute to wipe it off[Tongue]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there FGD do you think by chance that he [macfly55] [Wink]was attempting to do a parachute cast and didn't get his arm to the side properly?[/size][/green][/font] [Tongue]
Hey, it's MAC FLY! who knows what that boy is doing LOL
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hey there macfly55 was just funning with you.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]We still[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23956;] you. But don't tell anyone I said that.[/size][/#008000][/font][/center]
coffee?? tea?? rum?? ;... lol [Wink]

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hey there macfly55 was just funning with you.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3]We still you. But don't tell anyone I said that.[/size][/#008000][/font][/center] [/reply]
you still me what.. I mean if your gonna give me something to hold over your head when I need something then ya got to give me all of it... [sly]
Hey, it's MAC FLY! who knows what that boy is doing LOL [/reply]

Hey now.. you may be thinking of my granpa George.. he is the inept bumbler... [#000080]I just dont know what Im doing yet[/#000080]....hehehe [sly]

MacFly [Smile]

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