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A tale to tell (long)
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1] well Wasatch801 and I made it out alive from Quailcreek and Sandhollw. We made it home with a little dignity some pics to share and good memories. So on to the reason you all opend up this thread. We arrived as SH at around 9pm on thursday set up camp drank a few beers and went to bed dreaming of all the big bass we were going to catch the following few days. We awoke at 6 am to a nice calm day. I got up opened my new tube and assembeld it right there. Made a couple of minor mods to get my sonar and rod racks on her and I was ready to slay the fishes. Now it is close to as we started to drive out of camp where comes the beloveded WIND. It was blowing at a pretty good clip also. So after looking at the launch ramp we decided to take a drive and drove around the lake abd back again. Opting to fish at a great little put in point down in the southwest corner I think it was. Got out started fishing and about 5 minutes later Kevin is calling fish-on. We actually stayed in the same probably 400-500 yds worth of water for about 4 hours cause the Dyke made for an ok wind break. My day was not steller but I had fun. Kev on the other hand boated 5 nice bass. Here are pics of two of them.

Some noce chunky Bass. So now it is about 3:30 ish on fri day and we can go move into our new camping spot at QuailCreek (QC) We get camp set up and go in to St George for a bite to eat. Come back discuss the plan for saturday around the campfire and a few more cocktails and off to bed. The alarm goes off on sat morning and we grumble get out of bed and ged dressed. After Breakfast head to the launch ramp that is the furthes to the west. It is a beautifuly calm day we get launched and are just amazed at how clear the water is. We both start thoughing our big bass stuff and are not getting anyting. well I decide to drop my ultralight with a small jigg in hopes of a few nice fat crappie. I fell one little tug and think i just hit some structure, when this (snags) starts to pull back. I call fish on and start the battle. This fish is taking line and putting a whoopin on y little ultra light. I finaly get the fish to the tube and it is a nice little Bass.

After a while longer we decided to head over to the other side and were fishing in the back of a cove. Once again there had been no bite for a while so i switched over to look for some crappie once again. On my 2nd cast into some stick up I get a sold hook up of a small Bass again on the UL. He came un buttoned just as I was reached for him, so sorry no fish. I am starting to get a little excited as I am up 2 fish to none. We see Fish4fun05 adn his daughter near bay doing a littl fishing and admire that real nice boat of his. A little breeze start to come up and i figure I am going to buggy before it gets to bad. On the way out of the bay I hook up with this little guy.

I look over at Kevin and made the comment that it sure smeel like skunk over his way. After giving me the 1 finger salute he say he may only catch one but it will be bigger than all 3 of mine. than all of a sudden WHAM-O Kevin is fish on. And he pulled in this little Hen. We did not get a measurement of length however his scale read 4 lbs and we were both that cant be right. When I got home and check the scale witha 8.5 lb bottle of water, it was only reading 4lbs So I am figureing it is about an 8lb fish. here are the pics of the guest of honor.

Needless to say after catching this "little" fish he had to catch 2 nore bass and a big crappie. We needed the day with a good work out fighting our way back to the dock just before the gail force winds came up. Winds died down and it ended up being a very nice night, a good way to end a pretty decent day of fishing.

We made a feeble attempt to go out this morning and it was just to choppy. Talked to Fish4fun05 at the dock as he was launching, wished him luck. All in all a great trip and I will deffiantly be back to Qualicreek and Sandhollow again, just next time I am going to choose a weekend with better weather.

nice trip! I think the weather was a little less than ideal for many of us this weekend.
[cool][#0000ff]Glad you guys got in some fishing. Mama Nature can get huffy this time of year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also glad you were able to work a deal with Cabelas, to acquire "Big Red". I will be getting one after the first of the month too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Show us some pics after you transfer your pimpin' gear to your new ride.[/#0000ff]
Great report and nice bass! Though the weather is unstable, this is a great time of year to catch big fish.

Well TD here are a couple of pics I snapped early in the Am after doing a little field rigging. I need to re-rigg it and get the full set up back and intact. I am glad I grabbed a hand full of zip ties.

TD they are great tubes. I was amazed at the inflatable seat (the odc was foam) it was a lot more sturdy than I expected. And the pockets on this thing are MASSIVE.

[inline "New Tube_1.jpg"]

[inline "New Tube_2.jpg"]
[#bf0060]Majja, those side bags are also insulated so they double as ice chest. BONUS![/#bf0060]
[#bf0060]I love the fact that there are sooooo many "D" rings on this tube it makes anything possible![/#bf0060]
Good report, great pics and awesome bass!!!!
I think i put everything I use to carry in one of those pockets. I love the big double zip opening. And yea I was not expecting to have that many D-rings. I need to modify my PVC and am actually going to simplify it a little i think. I need to play with it though.

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