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Camping monte cristo
Hey if anybodies up for some camping and fishing also maybe some shooting Sat. 04/28 give me a call 801-510-1645 and i'll kgive more details. should be a really good time. Atleast we can share some good stories[cool] Lots of beer will be involved[angelic].[Wink] Exept when shooting of course...[Wink]
Monte Cristo is an awesome place, the wildlife up there is outrageous. I wish I could go I haven't been up there for about 5 years now. I'll have a beer with ya while I'm in the valley and you're up in the mountains, cheers![cool]
Head down to Birch Creek reservoir for some fishing. It's not far from Monte. I'd like to hear a report if anyone goes.
How was the trip ? Did you fish Causey ?
No I didnt make it to casey this time, spent a little too much time partying so the next day didnt really feel much like fishing. Was still a great weekend though had so much mud on the wrangler it was stuck to the inside of the windshield gotta remember to roll up the windows. I do plan on going out that way this weekend and If I make it i'll keep you informed on how it thinking Sat. morning.

Do they have the road opened up yet? How far up did you make it?
The road to Monte will most likely open up Memorial Day weekend.
There was still alot of gates closed but we saw some opened up while we were there....what gate is it that actually leads to Monte? I thought it started around snowmoblie parking area but ive only been out there twice and was going off what others have told me.

I guess I should have been clearer on my question. I was referring to the gate at the snowmobile parking area. All the other gates on the way up lead into private property, so they will never be opened up. That's the bad thing about Monte, there is very little public ground up there anymore. I think all thats left is around drybread and then the very top by Dairy ridge and across Curtis creek. I once heard the 80% of MOnte Cristo is private! Sure would be nice if the public could get some of that back, but they are selling more of it off on the east side over by woodruff.

Thanks for the info.
In that case that gate is open, the sign saying "road closed 17 miles ahead" is still up but the road is open they just havent taken the sign down yet.


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