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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]The F&G are considering some changes in the SE region for the 2008/2009 fishing regulations. Some of the places I’ve heard they are looking at are Treasureton, Glendale, Condie, McCoy Creek and Snake River below American Falls Reservoir. They are looking at increasing opportunity at a couple places and changing or adding slot limits at other places. I’ve been to a number of these meetings in the past and the F&G do listen to what people tell them. I plan on going to the Tuesday meeting.[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]Here is a list of meetings in the SE region. All meetings start at 7pm.[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]May 8th, Pocatello: ISU Student Union Building in North Fork Room (3rd floor)[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]May 9th, Blackfoot: Mountain View Middle School[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]May 10th, Soda Springs: Senior Citizen Center[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]May 15th, Preston: Fire Station[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]May 16th, Montpelier: Oregon Trail Center[/black][/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][black]I would recommend you call the F&G’s SE region office if you would like more information. [/black][/size][/font]
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Anyone else going to the meeting tonight?
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I'll be unable to make it. What regulations are they changing? Could you give details after the meeting?
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I'll do my best to catch the meeting at Montpelier or Preston. Maybe both. I'm very interested in what they are kicking around for the Preston reservoirs. I definitely believe the pole limit on Bear Lake should be raised to two to match the Utah regs. On the Ice this winter it seemed pretty stupid to be restricted to one pole for Idaho license holders while a Utah license holder right next to you could use two. Luckily I purchase a Utah permit every year as well as the Idaho. I should have been able to use three poles!
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Here are a few things the F&G proposed at the meeting.
#1 Increasing the legal size of trout in Treasureton to 18" or 20"
#2 Decreasing the size of legal size of bass in Condie to 16". This may not sound like a good idea at first but I believe it would actually help the bass fishery at Condie become more stable like Glendale.
#3 Turning Devil Creek Reservoir into a Family fishing water.
#4 Opening McCoy Creek on Memorial Day instead of July 1st
#5 Restricting Bass harvest on the Snake River below American Falls Reservoir to Lake Walcott. This really needs angler support. If any of you would like to see the bass harvest restricted in this area, show up to one of the other meetings or call/stop by the SE region office and let the F&G know what you think.
#6 Possibly allowing non motorized boats on Weston and Winder instead of the current float tubes only rule.
There were a couple other things but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
The meeting was very informative. If you have time to make it I would highly recomend it. You will see that we have some quality biologist managing the fisheries in SE Idaho. Sounds like a done deal in making the 2 pole permit from one state, valid for Bear Lake in both states.
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I'd vote a yea on #1 and #2.
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Thanks for the report Brian. I have volunteered to be on a committee to study the restricted bass harvest on the Snake River above lake Walcott. Some of the ideas are limiting harvest (currently its a 6 fish limit), adding a slot limit (now its any bass over 12") or restricting fishing below Eagle Rock to Memorial thru 10/31, like the upper river. According to the CO I was talking to, catch rates are down as is the average size. Would be interested to hear opinions here.
1) NO
4)No opinion-(Yes)
5)YES-if done right.....
6)Sure why not?
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Thanks for the information Brian. It is good that we have good people working on making sure that the sportsman have a voice.
Here is how I would vote for the things propsed at the meeting.
1) Yes 18"
2) Yes we need to help Condie become a great fishery.
3) Isn't already?
4) Yes
5) Yes
6) YES!!! This rule make no sense. How is my pontoon boat without a motor on it any different than a float tube.
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A buddy was at the Preston meeting last night and was impressed with the meeting. One of the things he brought back was to keep a list of where when and how many Pelicans you see on any lake. Also he said the tracking of smallmouths below American Falls was pretty cool.
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Here are some of my thoughts on these proposed changes.
#1 - I'm not opposed to increasing the legal size to 20" at Treasureton. I would release any trout I catch at Treasureton regardless of the length limit. According to the data the F&G presented increasing the legal size to 20" wouldn't significantly increase the number of large fish in Treasureton. If this is true, I think it would be better to leave the minimum size at 16". I don't think there is anything wrong with guys who would like to keep a couple 17" fish they catches at Treasureton, especially if it isn't going to significantly reduce the number of large fish in this reservoir.
#2 - I already stated my opinion on this one. I believe the bass fishing at Condie would actually be better if the legal size of bass was reduced to 16". The F&G have data to back this up. I doubt I would every keep any 17" bass from Condie. If guys want to keep a couple for the grill and it helps the bass fishing at Condie become more stable, it is a win-win situation.
#3 - I think this should have been done a few years ago. It is a great place for a family fishing water.
#4 - I think opening McCoy Creek earlier would be a good idea. I doubt it would significantly affect the fishing and provide some good cutthroat fishing opportunity for fishermen. Making McCoy Creek "no bait" from Memorial day to July 1st may make some fishermen feel better but I don't think it would make a significant difference.
#5 - I would like to see a 12"-18" slot on the bass in Lake Walcott and Snake River between Walcott and American Falls Reservoir. On top of that I would like to see all bass become catch and release until July 1st to protect the big fish during the spawn. No spring harvest and a slot has worked very well for Oxbow Reservoir. The Snake River downstream of American Falls and Lake Walcott have the potential to produce large smallmouth and I would like to see it managed accordingly. There are plenty of places to harvest bass for guys that want to grill them. This area already has some confusing rules so this shouldn't be hard to follow. The F&G has collected some very good data from this area and are willing to manage it for quality bass they just need public support. The F&G will know better than I do on what slot will maximize the number of big bass and create a healthy age class distribution. A 13”-18” slot or 14”-20” slot may work better than the 12”-18” slot I mentioned. Please let the F&G know you want this area to be managed for quality bass!
#6 I think allowing "non motorized boats" or "electric motors only" would be a great idea. Restricting boats on these bodies of water was originally a result of the landowners' request who have been kind enough to allow angler access.