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Archery Partner needed
Anyone interested for an archery hunting partner? Let me know. I will be doing a lot of the wasatch as I have a few good areas.

I would have been more than happy to join you but i lost a big buck 4 years ago and never went back to the bow. Hope you find someoone.
I would love to join you. I have done archery for the last couple of years and I love it. I still have a lot to learn and a lot of practice to do, but I would love to go. I was thinking about hunting up by the gorge (carter cr. area) this year, what do you know about that area? I have seen some nice bucks around there. I also hunt the extended around the Ogden and Bountiful area, I'm totally open to new areas. PM me and let me know what you want to do.
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Put in for Wyoming elk or deer or antelope next year and I'll go with ya. You already know this from our previous discussions about the deer. But archeru elk in Wyo is even better than pulling Macks out of the Gorge.INHO [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later Oh ya photo in my sig was archery elk.[/size][/#808000][/font]
I dont know much about the gorge area. One of my guide friends has given me a few places where some huge deer have not been killed yet close to SLC. I am going to start getting out and hiking this area every week to stay in shape and of course to scout. Let me know.

I put in for my deer this year, but elk I passes on. I only have one point for wyoming elk. Next year I will for sure put in, but I might need a little direction from you[Wink]. I put in for G like usual for deer, but have never hunted archery for them. If I draw this year, I definitely will be doing some pre-season archery hunting for them. What region do you hunt for deer? I know for residents they break it down in units right and not regions? PM me if you dont want to post it here. Hows your back doing? I wold still love to go after some macks with you as I have never tried or even caught one in my lifetime.

Without getting into specifics I mostly hunt the same areas that would be included into the Non-Resident Region G. I will however sometimes do quick after work hunts close to home in the Wyo part of the Uintas, but this is nothing serious. All my serious hunts are up north. I have been packing in and doing back country hunts up there since I was a baby so I know most areas very well. When next year rolls around we'll get in touch. Like I said archery Elk is great in Wyoming. None of this spike only type stuff you guys have, and contrary to what you might here we do have some very large bulls in these areas.

I was just about to put out a post looking for the same thing. I just moved to Sandy, Utah and am looking for some good hunting buddies. Give me a call when you get the chance.

Shane 801-604-7272

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