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I decided I was going to hit the lake hard with the sole purpose of catching good sized Tigers yesterday. I have been having a blast with the smaller guys but its time to concentrate and get some trophies!!! Anyway got to the lake around 7am and started fishing. Within the first hour I got 2 smaller Tigers and popped off a 37" tiger. Turned out to be the big fish of the day. Then the fishing really died down. Alot of my normal spots the water was cool and very murky. The tigers had gone deep and almost all I saw where on the bottom in 6 to 10 feet of water. Not a good day to sight fish for them. My first thoughts were since the water had cooled back down to 60 dgrees it pushed them out of the shallows. Then I started to think they may just be going into their summer pattern with the water dropping. But the water was way to cool for them not to still be in the shallows. Either way the fish were acting weird and not as active as they should be with the conditions. I have been getting spoiled latley. I ended the day only catching 6 tigers and it felt like a very slow day on the lake. All fish were caught over deeper water of 10' to 15'. I had to work for every fish and did not even have that many follows after 10am.

On my way home I looked up in the night sky and it became very clear why the fishing was slow throughout the day. There was a big bright nearly full moon in the sky!!!! I am not sure if any others have ever noticed this but a full moon means slow Tiger fishing during the day that follows. I dont know why but I have never had good luck on full moons. A general rule I have always followed for Tiger fishing is dont even bother fishing for them on full moons. I usually go target other species on full moons if I have the fishing bug. My guess is the fishing might be a little slow up there this weekend.

On another note there are tons of perch in the flooded brush and if you like perch find the flooded bushes. I also noticed a whole ton of smallies on there beds. If your a bass guy it might make for some fun fishing. They are in full spawn up there right now.
Thanks for the report! Nice fish you got there. When I was there a few days ago the fish seemed to be in a bit deeper water then. [mad]
I ended the day only catching 6 tigers and it felt like a very slow day on the lake. [/reply]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Nate, you are definitely the tiger king in my book. I have always felt like 2 tigers in a day was a good day.

I was looking at that big ole moon yesterday wondering if it had much affect on fishing. I tend to agree with your assessment.

Thanks for the great pictures ... great report.[/#002850][/size][/font]
I usually fish in the middle of the day for tigers. I will tell you the Full Moon definatly makes for slow fishing during the day. Morning is usually good but only last a few hours. I have had luck on tigers in the middle of night on full moons but not one who really cares for night fishing. If something can go wrong it will at night is my general experiance at night fishing[Tongue] Yesterday I went almost 6 hours without a fish and that is pretty slow for me up there in the summer.
Whats up? I'm new to the area and just joined the BFT. I come from Texas and the Big Bass in the picture caught my eye. I'm assuming that you probably didn't catch it around here because it sure is a nice largemouth bass.[cool] Where did you catch it? The muskies in the pics are very nice as well. One of these days I'll have to learn from someone that does know how!

Seeing that I like fishing for bass and what I read in your report is that they are on the beds. What areas of the lake do you recommend for smallies? Can't get around very far, since I only own small pontoon. What areas do you recommend to put in and pineview?
Any info you could send my way would be appreciated!
That big ole Bass was caught down in AZ a few years back. If you have a pontoon I would lauch at the port ramp or the sportmans access next to the ramp area. If you dont know were that is drive over the Dam and follow the road until it curvs north. Its about 1 mile after you go over the dam. I saw lots of bass on their beds in the brush next to the ramp. Deer Creek might be a better bet with a pontoon boat. Lots of places to fish for smallies that are easier to get too.
Quote:[size 1]I'm assuming that you probably didn't catch it around here because it sure is a nice largemouth bass[/size]

Do not be fooled, Utah has more than just trout and sterile fish, check out the trophy board.

Nice fish Nate, I'm taking my buddy back up on Sunday because he got skunked last Monday. Me and Bearclaw got into the muskies throughout the day. I'm hoping your predictions of this weekend are wrong, but either way, I'll still be fishing. [Smile]
Thanks for the info! I'll check it out!
Nice pics in the trophy room...fsh4fun. I have yet been able to break the 10# range. I went to Lake Fork late April and the biggest fish was only 4.5#s. There were multiple 13-14#ders put into the lunker program during the month of March. My best largemouth to date is only 8.5 #s (Caught at Lake Fork).
How much access does Quail Creek have to put in a toon? Does it have areas to park the vehicle close to the water? How long does it take to get there from Ogden?Does it have camp sites?

Being new to the area I would like to learn more about the lakes with largemouths and smallies.

I'll shoot ya a PM.

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