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Pineview tiger fest 6-5
fished Pineview with crossineyes and his son, launched the boat and drove about 100 yards away from the ramp. started casting some lures and whap hookup about a 30in. tiger. about 3 minutes later whap hookup for crossineyes another tiger about 30in also. about 3 minutes later whap hookup for cody about a 34in. 3 tigers in less then 15 minutes of fishing. the next few hours were pretty slow, seen a couple tigers setting up in the weeds no takers though. setup just north of semitary point and started trolling. about 1 minute into trolling I hooked up with a good one witch was 39 1\2in. didn't get the weight but figured it was close to 18 lbs. or so.
got off the lake at 1:00, just in time before the big W hit and turned the lake to white caps. overall it was a awesome 5 hours of fishing. also cuaght one smallie. later chuck
Great fish Chuck! One of the biggest I have seen caught this year! [cool]
thanks man, it's the biggest I've ever caught, what a blast of a fight, about 5 minutes of tugging. later chuck
Nice! Looks like the tiger action is about as hott as it gets. That tiger is the biggest I have seen this year also. Congrats!
Well done Chuck, Ken and Cody![Smile]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 6]Sweet!!![/size][/#808000][/font]

[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Nice day guys glad you got into those tigers. We'll get into the macks someday like that also!![/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later Guys[/size][/#808000][/font]
Nice tigers!! By the way, that "smallie" you caught is an LMB. I just loove how those lmb are managing to avoid being eaten by the tigers.
May I ask what you were using?....I've been up there five times this month and have caught the total of three. Any little help will help..
Oh, yep your right it is a lmb. caught him on a green spinnerbait.
later chuck
well you know, every fish was caught on a differant lure. one was caught on a firetiger bucktail spinner, the big one was caught on a jointed firetiger rapala, one on a perch sassy shad, one on a perch rapala and one on somthing that crossineyes had.
try some firetiger colors. I casted a buzzbait around for a long time with nothing. top water just isint happen this year, maybe because ot the lower water. later chuck
[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]Nice fish man!! I haven't caught one of those in a while.[/#ff4040][/font]
Congrats on the beast. That is the biggest I have seen this year and he looked fat and healthy as well. On a side note were you wearing a chain mail glove on your Right hand?
No chain glove, just a little cloth camo glove I picked up for 50 cents. thought they would be good to leave in the boat for just this purpose. they even have rubber grippers on them, but they didn't help the cloth side gripped better. later chuck
yesterday was one of my favorite trips ever. i cant put into word the emotions that i felt when i saw him fighting that fish. i started to weap. yes real tears and all. thank you fish4fun05. for the spots. that was huge!!!! and where i got this memory of my boy. i am in grattitude big time. and chucks hog. wow what a fish. that fish was 20 pounds no question. its was thick real thick. my fish were a bonus. i get to thank my best freind for all he is. you rock chuck.
Holy crap chuck thats a big fish!! congrads[Wink][Wink]
Way to go Chuck, nice tiger. I caught one that same size a few years back while fishing with Fishcrazy. It sure is exciting when that big old fish comes up near the boat for the first time and you see just how big it is. Sounds like you guys had a great day at the view.

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