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LEAST I FORGET - At the Gorge 6/4/07
What does this mean? It's for me or other old geezers that need to remind ourselves that these long trips and hard work are every bit worth the effort and the little bit of aches and pins at night and when you get home. I find it harder and harder to get myself to go, but when I do, I thank my lucky stars that I did and am still able. The Sparkinator left for the Gorge on 6/2 and arrived at the Confluence about noon. Set up the tent trailer and headed off to do an afternoon float tube fishing thing for smallies. Fished 6/3 and am of 6/4. It never changed. It was just plain wonderful. The pic. is of the normal/avg. size that were caught. These were 14 and 14 1/2 in. Aren't they great? Must have caught around 40 the whole time with the smallest at 13 and the biggest at 18 1/2 in and just a pig of a fish. My other old fart fishing buddy showed up the last day and spent the am fishing until getting blown off by the wind. He must have caught 30 just that am but were smaller, probably because he was using a much smaller lure. I caught all mine on a guacamole reaper, never tried anything else. [inline "Fl. G. 3a, 6-4-07.jpg"]

[cool][#0000ff]Nice goin' old buddy. Glad you had some nice weather and that you found some playful smallies.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Did the Sparkinator have a good time too?[/#0000ff]
Thanks Bud, I can allways rely on you for a reply. You betcha, the Sparkinator had every bit as much fun as I did.[Smile] He even had a bonus of romping with his doggy bud, Tomo, on the last day. I still get every bit as much enjoyment of watching my dog buddies enjoy as fishing. Besides, Sparky growls and keeps the coyotes away so I don't have to worry.
Nice looking porkys there, Leaky. Your comment about the smaller bass because of the smaller lure is probably true - at least my experience tells me it's probably true.

I'm feeling some of that slow down you mentioned - at least more than ever before. Haven't gotten to the place that I have to push myself yet, but it seems like I fish more close to home these days. No more of that "drive four hours, fish four hours, then drive four hours back home" stuff that I've done in the past.

Keep on keepin' on.

Nice job there leaky. Good report. I'm glad to see that you are still getting them.

Did you notice that we have a Bass Board now?? Plenty of room for your Bass Pics over there too. I'ts OK if Sparky is in the pics too.[cool]
Hey bud, thanks. I guess you're talking about the National forum. I always have a preference to posting locally. I'm not a National kind of guy. Also, I've always had a soft spot for the tubing forum so I post here too. Anytime you want to copy and move it there, feel free. Don't know why the rest of the Nation would be interested in the Sparkinato and me, but------------, anyway. [Smile] Next time I'll try to get the Sparkinator in the pic. He's certainly a lot better photo object than the "geezer". [cool]
I'm planning on setting up a picture only Thread on that board. I do want to make sure to give the proper credit to those whom have submitted the pics.

Keep up the good work and I'm glad to see you back on the boards.[cool]

If the rest of the nations gives you any lip about the Sparkinator, just let me know. I will email them some rusty fish hooks to take on their next fishing trip.[Smile]

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