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Willard Saturday Night ... Boils and Quads!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Fished Willard with Bait_Caster from 8:30 till 10:00 Saturday evening. We launched out of the South marina and spent the whole time fishing out around the island. The water temps was about 77 degrees and the water was almost glassy smooth (until the big wind came up).

In that hour and a half, we landed 8 wipers and one walleye. Again, the walleyes sure are looking healthy this year. All but one of the wipers were small.

For the first time ever, we had four fish on at the same time. We had two planer boards out and two lines out the back. When the four fish hit, one got off but just a quick, another one got on. Like I say, that quad was a first for me.

We caught our fish on white grubs, chartreuse grubs, a Wal-Mart swim bait spinner combo, and even caught one on a silver needle fish.

Seems like this year the successful lures have been all over the place … kastmasters, rattletraps, soft plastics, needle fish, swim bait, spinners, Rapallas, walleyedivers, spoons, etc., etct.

I think our good luck was, in big part, due to the time of day … at sundown and shortly after.

Buy the way, we seen two small boils too!. I have never seen boils out there this time of year. This whole year out there has been weird in many ways.

All in all, it was not a bad hour and a half of fishing.[/#002850][/size][/font]
Great report Ralph. Sounds like a fun couple hours.[cool]
I was out there Saturday from about noon till 5:00. I caught 1 Wiper and 2 Walleyes. You are right about the varitable cornucopia of lures that have been working this year. This is my 5th trip to the Bay this year, and was the first trip that I caught a Wiper on "old reliable" type lures! All my other fish that were caught were caught on experimental stuff!

When you troll with grubs, do you weigh them down with anything? I tried trolling with a Maniac Minnow (pearl colored, 2 1/2 inch) and the seagulls kept trying to get it as it was staying on the top! So then I tried it on a 3/8 ounce jighead instead of just a gamakatsu hook, and it still stayed up at the top. We also tried a single tail standard grub on a jighead towed behind behind planer boards, bumping against the rocks on the dike. The birds tried to get it also!

I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
Nice report Ralph, always fun when the fish want to play. Ira and I have only had one quad hookup where we got all four fish in, it sure was a blast, way to go on your first. Lets hope this is just a start and there are more to come this year.
Hey try a bottom bouncer or a lindy wieght off a 3 way. Some times I will take a diving crank and put a spinner a couple feet behind it and tow it. Needs to have swivels put between the trailer bait and the crank bait and on on the line to the crank bait.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]NETO,

No, I never try to weigh down my curly tail grubs. The lead heads seem to do just fine at getting them right in the zone (about 5-7 feet down). In fact, with the water at Willard as low as it has been this year, I went shopping for some good jig heads that were a lot lighter than what I normally use just to keep them from dragging on the bottom. I wish I could quote you actual sizes (weights) but I'm not good with numbers that way. I can't look at a lead head (or a nut or bolt for that mater) and say what size it is. I kind of wonder if the fact that I run FireLine rather than monofilament might be a reason for my lures going deeper.

I think that the "old reliable" type lures (Prism Shad and the like) work best after mid to late June (just around the corner). They mimic the young shad as they begin to mature. Until then, I think that those old reliables are just a little large to mimic shad forage. Before that (Spring to now) I can't figure out why the wipers take what they take or why it varies from year to year. Many times I've wished I could be a fish for a day just to see and think what fish see and think. It would be my luck that I would be in the deep fry before the end of that day.[/#002850][/font][/size]
[black][size 3]Coot, congrats on the success of your wiper trip. I like the way you think, rather than just cast or drag the usual lures, you observe the conditions, the fish reactions, the conditions, and perform a mental analysis of what's going on around you.[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]It no wonder you have successful trips.[/size]
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[size 3]I always look forward to your reports, they are informative and well done.[/size]
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[size 3]good luck on future trips, and looking forward to your reports.[/size]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Fun: Fun: Fun:: "Coot" Now that was a busy little evening, we had going, with all the fuss of wippers, wanting to play! [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Let's do it again:: I could use another evening of (4) polls bending to the tune of; "Hot-Dang". [/size][/font]
coot and bait you guys caught those fish on

[red][size 7]DE-FAULT[Tongue][/size][/red]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][blue][size 3]Gettin' paid for not winning is ALWAYS a great feeling ... LOL[/size][/blue][/font]
Glad to see you made it off the water safely. I was coming home from porcupine Saturday night and when we got to the top of Sardine and into Brigham, the wind was blowing very hard. It was pushing my truck and boat all over. That would have been around 10:00- 10:30. I would imagine Willard looked like the ocean at that time.
I know how those little boats like ours don't get along with waves like that!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Travis,

We got off the water just in time before the wind hit. And when it did, it was so strong that we were getting sand blasted!

On my way home, I seen semi trucks pulled over under the overpasses to avoind the high winds.

I can't imagine what it would have been like out there on the water![/#002850][/font][/size]
I got caught in that wind out near the light pole. we made it to the north marina in 5 foot swells. the wind was ripping water of the top
of the lake and sand blasting you with it. once we were in the marina it was caous. boats lined up on the shore takeing a beating.
i stayed afloat in the marina while my brother-inlaw got the trailer.
it was like driving the boat in a fast moving river. the first time the wind dipped i made a brake for the trailer. hit it first shot (thank god) what a rough ride. and no damage to my boat. but the fishing was good (3 big wiper & 3 walleye) [crazy]

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