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[cool] [#0000ff]THE ROJO TWINS (H3 Freestyles) ARE HERE. We had two boxes waiting for us when we returned from Willard Bay last Friday. I spent several hours over the weekend sniffing PVC cement and tinkering with the new setups. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We will be taking the new craft out for their maiden voyages on Jordanelle tomorrow morning, and will have a ride report after that trip. In the meantime, here are some pics to give you an idea of how I spent my weekend.[/#0000ff]
Initial setup on tables. Haven't decided on what kind of apron to use yet. Probably just a larger rigid plastic.
Side view after setting up new Utility rack.
Left side setup, with sonar and rod rack...unpainted.
Connection to transducer shaft is left unglued, to allow free swivel action up and prevent damage to transducer during launching and beaching.
Battery and spared transducer cable is stored in the small rear pocket. The cable to the display runs forward through the 1/2" PVC beside the pocket. The fittings are screwed to 2"X2" wood blocks inside the pockets and the connections are not glued.
This is one of my new ideas...the "PVC ram mount" installed on the 2" wood support block inside the pocket...and the sonar display easily set up and removed.
The display easily disconnects from the ram mount, and stores in the spacious pockets for transport.
This shows the wood support block, with the PVC goodies as they attach once the block is secured inside the pockets.
Rod rack, painted with Rustoleum Plastic Paint. Sprayed on quickly and easily and dried fairly fast. Will watch over time to see how it holds up.
Red painted rod holder installed on tube. Stabilized with bungee cords attached to D rings under the tube.
Another of my newest ideas...a multipurpose tool/utility rack. Serves to hold the rod you are actively using...while handling fish or rerigging...and holds both tools and net. Double secured to D rings with bungee cord and S clips.
Ready to load up in the vehicle for the trip to the water. By partially deflating, the front elongated air bladder extensions can be folded up over the front for easier transporting. In this picture, you may be able to see that the bungees attached to the back D rings have been run through the D rings on the front of each air chamber, and then attached to the D ring "kitty corner" across in front. Very secure and compact for transport.
[#0000ff]I have taken lots more pictures and will be able to provide some step by step stuff for anyone wanting to incorporate any of these ideas.[/#0000ff]
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[black]Great looking pics.. cant wait to hear/see pics of maiden voyages... [/black]
[black]... we both know I am no expert on this but just a suggestion/observation.... on the "PVC ram mount" could you or would it add more stability to use a large doweling under the pvc "t" connector to make it more stable.... [/black]
[black]again.. no expert.. and was first thought when I first saw the picture...[/black]
[size 1][black][size 2]good luck on the maiden voyage...[/size][/black] [/size]
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[black][size 3]Nice looking ride, Pat.[/size][/black]
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[size 3]Looks like you have all the bases covered. I have some questions about the mounting of the fish finder, but I'm sure that with additional time and photos I'll get the drift.[/size]
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[size 3]Looking forward to your usual detailed report on the new ride after your trip tomorrow. I expect that you will really like it's performance.[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]If things get slow at Jordanelle, you might try my "special standby" lure for the sm bass. I use dark colored, twin tailed, Gary Yamamoto baits on a small lead head jig. Just cast them into the shore line, and retrieve them slowly to you. They never fail.[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Good luck, and looking forward to your return and report.[/size]
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Nice to see the Rojo twins made it safe and sound a few days before Summer officially started. I still think you should have called up and pulled the "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" card [  ] and you would have had an extra couple of weeks to enjoy before TubeBabes kitties start nest guarding duties....Although I am sure with all of the experience under your belts -- you can catch plenty during the spawn also.
Have fun.....(looking at the size of those pockets and the stuff you have stuffed in them, I am guessing there is a utility desk or 2 in the garage that now has a few empty drawers now 
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Great rides! I look forward to reading the review. I was planning on being at the "X" myself tomorrow morning. If you see a green Fat Cat kicking your way, the operator isn't crowding into your fishing area, he just wants to drool over the new red tubes. So far, what do you think of the backrests compared to the FC's?
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[cool][#0000ff]Good thinking, but it is rock solid. That PVC connector stuff is strong. I have experimented with several uses of this concept...tubes, toons and ice fishing mounts. Never had a shimmy.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]I plan to provide more details on the mounting of the sonar. I'm sure most of your ???? will be addressed.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks for the suggestions on the smallies. I generally use my own custom colored plastics. I buy bulk quantities of uncolored (clear sparkle or smoke sparkle...or pearl or white) and use my half-vast arsenal of dyes and paints to create just the right effect. Since most predators in Jordanelle and other perch infested waters feed heavily on young perch, that is a big part of what I serve them. And, I do not use the brightly colored perch patterns. The young perch are usually silvery with faint vertical bars. Therefore, I make "pale perch" patterns by adding a dark back and vertical bars to a smoke sparkle grub or tube...or even a white one. The visual effect works on smallies, perch and trout.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I also make jig heads in all sizes, shapes and colors...with a lot of fancy glitter patterns...with "grabber" eyes. They seem to add a lot to the effectiveness of the plastics. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In short...I have never been skunked up there and I usually get plenty of exercise.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey, there is a difference between being famous and infamous. My handle around here for a long time has been TIO...The Infamous One. I was hoping that I could get some special consideration by buying direct and "dazzling" the company with brilliance. My problem is that I have known Dave Scadden since the 70's...and he knows me. So...not only did I not get fast service...I had to swing on the rope for almost a month. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In fairness, they were backed up with all their H3 orders because they had to depend upon the air bladders for the seats to be shipped from another source. My order was the first one shipped when the air bladders hit their dock and I got it next day...without any extra shipping charges.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The catfish spawn is about over here, although it was delayed on some waters by the on and off weather patterns. But, that is always a good time to catch big males.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Pocket size...I will be posting some side by side comparisons on the different components of the H3...compared to the Super Fat Cat. The new ones are not really any bigger, and they are divided...with a small pocket compartment at the back. Good if you use it right, but takes some adjusting if you had a system.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been working at downsizing the stuff I take out on any given trip. Through experience, I am usually able to plan what I will be using, and in what quantity, so I do not have to take a bunch of "maybe" gear. But...I still take a bunch of stuff on most trips that I never even get around to using. I guess I qualify as a fisherman.[/#0000ff]
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[cool][#0000ff]Hey, it will be good to see you again...unless the fish are bitin' and you get in the way. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We will probably hit RC about 6 AM. Haven't fished X since hard water. Love it during the summer.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been making lots of side by side measurements and comparisons, which will be included in a special post after the maiden voyage. I anticipate that the seats will be fine as they are, without the need for mods (PVC backrest) like on the Fat Cats. The seat back on my Super Fat Cat (4 years old) is only about 12". It almost killed me on my first trip or two, until I got it adjusted properly. Even then, it was a PAIN until I finally got smart and added the support. By comparison, the seat back on the H3 is 16 inches...about the same height as the top of the PVC support I added to the Super Fat Cat. I am optimistic.[/#0000ff]
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...was just a thought as I looked at the detail of your work.. have to admit that the screws look to be rock solid.. was just thinking if something hit the top of the mount etc.. but guess you cannot plan for
have a great but safe maiden voyage.. cant wait to see and read the report when you are done...
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Now we gotta get together with Majja someplace for sure. It would look so cool!
[black][size 5]5 - [#ff0000]H3'S[/#ff0000][/size][/black]
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lashed together in a row... have a large floating platform in the middle... someone there set up with a cooker.. lol.. could be a line party... [  ]
MacFly [cool]
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It looks real good TD nice match on the red paint.
Joni that would bw awsome the 5 Rojo Red riders
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[cool][#0000ff]Yeah...we can start the 3R fishing society.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe wants to call her new ride "Rojita".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That red is a good match. They had some blue and some other colors. I may pick up another can of another color and do some contrasting colors on some of the other PVC. Wanted to see how the first one went before investing another $4.77 a can in Home Depot stock. I do own stock in Home Depot. They just never send me the certificates...or any dividend checks.[/#0000ff]
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The red hot chipolte peppers. sounds good.
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Yeah, Us in our Red Hot Chili Peppers and you and Tubn2 in the mini banana's
Thanks for the weekend, was great!
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[cool]Wow! I go away for a little while and everything changes.
Great looking tubes! I'll stay closely tuned to see how they work out for you as you get them set up.
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I'm trying to get an idea about relative size ...
Any chance next time you have the camera out you could take a photo of the SFC and Roja beside each other?
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Did you hear that Pokymon??? Somebody is throwing rocks at our bananas!! What is this world coming to?
I was just about ready to ask her to get me one of those Chile peppers for my Birthday. It is just around the corner.[cool] C'mon February![shocked]