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Need your help in putting an issue to rest. I have heard that fishing is best (worth it) only early in the morning or later in the day as the sun is going down. A good chunk of your reports seem to confirm it as I see many of you go fishing early in the day and are out of the water by around midday.
I went to Scofield last Sunday and there were lots of people fishing right smack in the middle of the day, I see it every time I go there. I'll be there again tomorrow and I bet that, again, there will be all sorts of people fishing from shore right during the heat of the day.
Is midday fishing effective? Keep in mind that I fish from shore. Am I crazy for thinking that day fishing isn't worth it?
thanks in advance
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I usually start at first light. I'm usually off the water by ten or so. Often, the fishing is still good. I leave because: 1. The power squadron shows up. 2. It's getting too hot 3. I have things I need to do. The fishing can be good all day. A good example was yesterday. I was working, but my brother was catching cats at UL about 9:30am, using plastics for bass.
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I agree. Sometimes we stay a little later and it seems like the power scaudron helps the bite get going again.
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Just because a lot of people are out fishing does not necessarily mean they are catching any fish. Remember 10% of the fishermen catch 90% of the fish, and most of that success comes early in the morning or later in the evening. Of course, people still have fun fishing even when they aren't catching many fish, and some people enjoy the day more after a good night's rest. Maybe what many are really after is a sun tan or just a day away from the pressures of daily life. Mid-day fishing is just fine for those purposes.
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As ageneral rule fishing is best early and late. But I've had occasions were it was real slow early and late, with the best fishing right in the middle of the day so go figure. As already mentioned fishing can be fun even when you are not catching. And if your line is not in the water you will not catch anything.
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You can stil catch fish in the afternoon but you are gonna have to work for them ]
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I hate to fish and not catch I go fishing to catch fish....
If the only time I can go is mid day the fish will bite on something you just have to find out what they want, and 90% of the fish is in 10% of the lake (most of the time) so you must find the fish as well.....
I go catching but some call it fishing.....
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While I admit that I ususally fish the early morning and late afternoons (Trying to avoid the powersquadron). I sometimes will stay all day and once in a while I don't get out till later (Saturday is an example) I sometimes find the bite is still on. You just have to figure out what the fishies want.
Sat. we caught perch from 10:00am till we had to leave at 2:00 then came back at 8:00pm and the bite was very slow to almost none. Fri. night the evening bite was better.Sometimes its like that. I have had days when we caught fish all day from sunrise till sunset.
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Very true....I personally would like to catch some, so I guess I gotta figure out what they want in the middle of the day.
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So, is it also true that fish go deep when it gets warm? I've heard that for trout at least, if so, can you really get to them fishing from shore?
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If you want trout and you are fishing from shore the right depth is what you look for....
where you cast to in the water should be from 10' to 20' deep to hold fish or in the case of trout to have them swimming past from time to time....
If you get a bite in a spot keep putting your bait back to the same spot, it could be a spot where they like to feed at.....
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Thanks bassrods, I've seen contour maps of lakes in a couple of different stores, I'll have to invest in some.
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A little off track, how far do you put the hook from the weight for Mojoing ? Was on vacation for your demonstration.
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It may very from, well let say you are in grass that is 6" to 12" tall then I would use a tag end about 14 to 18" long for bass....
But if I'm after trout I may have a tag end of 20" to even 30" and shake it a lot all the time not big shakes but just the tip of the rod while keeping the weight on the bottom as much as I can....
If in brush that is two feet tall then I like my lure to be just over the brush....
In rocks you can use a shorter tag ....
Try this in water you can see your bait first so you know what it is doing....
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When you get your map and go fishing remember the map shows the high water not what it could be....
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Thanks. The Wife and Me will have to try it.
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Right...I'll have to adjust for current water levels. In reality I could be standing in 20' of water from high water mark.
Now, if you see some moron casting from high water mark into the 20 foot contour and it's all beach.....then you'll know I obviously didn't get it.
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I fish all hours of the day and night. I agree with everyone that early morning and evening fishing is the best. However, if I want to fish all day I generally use artificial goodies during the morning and evening and bait during the day. I generally used tube jigs at night.
If you are going to bait them out in the middle of the day, look for deeper water and you will be fine. You may not catch as many fish as you would in the morning or evening, but you can still catch a ton of fish. Good luck!
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i'm getting a kick out of this one.. lol
it realy depends on what kind of fish you are fishing for.. pike,perch bluegile, brim, are all day feeders.. meaning they do not feed much at night pike and perch do NOT feed at all at night.. so the day time is the only time to hunt for them..
catching fish in the heat of the day can be tuff for fish like cat's,eye's,bass and most trout. still if ya get to know the lake or river well, you will catch fish all day long.. most of the lake trout at fish lake are cought in the middle of the day.. most of old timers down there do not even hit the water tell 10:30 in the morning and fish tell 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon..
get to know the water you want to fish it will help you know when the fish bite best..
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As a shore fisher myself I find that trout usually hit at first and last light, for apx 3hrs each. The rumor is that's when they feed them at the hatchery, or just because that's when there are the most bugs. Bass also seem to hit during these times only. (Now of course there are exceptions to every rule) On the flipside catfish feed all night and all day, you can catch them at anytime. So, when I day fish I mainly go for catfish. But usually I just do the morning/evening thing, and leave a setline (where permitted) during the day.